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Agora chat provides an open-source Agora chat demo sample project on GitHub. This document introduces how to run this project and experience a chat demo implemented by the Agora Chat SDK.



  • Make sure you have made the preparations mentioned here.
  • Prepare the development environment:
    • Xcode 10.0 or later
    • CocoaPods
  • Real iOS devices, such as iPhone or iPad.

Steps to run the sample project:

1.Clone the repository to your local machine.

git clone git@github.com:HyphenateInc/Hyphenate-Demo-iOS.git

2.Import ‘AgoraChat’ in your podfile

pod 'AgoraChat' 

3.Install dependencies.

pod install

4.Open the iOS project

open ChatDemo-UI3.0.xcworkspace

5.Run the project with command + r.