Chat Room Management
` The client SDK does not support creating chat rooms, you can call the REST interface to create `
The chat room management mainly involves the following header files of the AgoraChat SDK:
// Chat room, with chat room id and other attributes
// Chat room method calls, such as add proxy, remove proxy, get chat room, etc.
// the chatroom protocol callback methods, such as listen to callbacks of the user joining a group, etc.
The agora chat room model supports a maximum membership of 5000. Unlike groups, after a member in a chat room goes offline for 2 minutes, the server will remove that member from the chat room and will not send push to that member. This member will not be able to automatically enter the chat room after going online.
- The maximum number of members supported is 5000.
- The chat room has three identities: owner, administrator and -.
- support for muting, blacklisting, kicking and other operations.
- not support client-side invitations.
- No support for REST invitations.
- The chat room API is usually synchronous and needs to be executed in a separate thread; if you need to use the asynchronous API, please use the API with the async prefix.
The main features of the agora chat room client include
- support for querying all APP chat rooms.
- support for querying chat room details.
- Join chat rooms.
- quit chat rooms.
Server-side API
Server-side chat room related REST operations, please refer to Chatroom Management.
get the list of chat rooms by page
* Get the specified number of chat rooms from the server
* @param aPageNum Get the page number
* @param aPageSize How many pages to get
* @param aCompletionBlock Completed callbacks
- (void)getChatroomsFromServerWithPage:(NSInteger)aPageNum
completion:(void (^)(AgoraPageResult *aResult, AgoraError *aError))aCompletionBlock;
// Calling :
[[AgoraChatClient sharedClient].roomManager getChatroomsFromServerWithPage:0 pageSize:50 completion:^(AgoraPageResult *aResult, AgoraError *aError) {
if (!aError) {
NSLog(@"Successfully get the specified number of chat rooms from the server");
} else {
NSLog(@"The reason for the failure to obtain the specified number of chat rooms from the server --- %@", aError.errorDescription);
Join the chat room
* Join the chat room
* @param aChatroomId The ID of the chat room
* @param aCompletionBlock The completed callback
- (void)joinChatroom:(NSString *)aChatroomId
completion:(void (^)(AgoraChatroom *aChatroom, AgoraError *aError))aCompletionBlock;
// Called:
[[AgoraChatClient sharedClient].roomManager joinChatroom:@"chatroomId" completion:^(AgoraChatroom *aChatroom, AgoraError *aError) {
if (!aError) {
NSLog(@"Join chatroom successful");
} else {
NSLog(@"Reason for failure to join chatroom --- %@", aError.errorDescription);
Leaving the chat room
* Quit the chat room
* @param aChatroomId Chatroom ID
* @param aCompletionBlock The completed callback
- (void)leaveChatroom:(NSString *)aChatroomId
completion:(void (^)(AgoraError *aError))aCompletionBlock;
// Call:
[[AgoraChatClient sharedClient].roomManager leaveChatroom:@"chatroomId" completion:^(AgoraError *aError) {
if (!aError) {
NSLog(@"Exit the chat room successfully");
} else {
NSLog(@"Reasons for failure to exit the chat room --- %@", aError.errorDescription);
When you leave the chat room, the SDK will delete all local messages in this chat room by default, if you don’t want to delete them, you can set the following property to NO
* \~chinese
* Whether to delete all messages when leaving the chat room, default is YES
* \~english
* Whether to delete all the chat room messages when leaving the chat room, default is YES
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL isDeleteMessagesWhenExitChatRoom;
// Calling :
AgoraOptions *retOpt = [AgoraOptions optionsWithAppkey:@"appkey"];
retOpt.isDeleteMessagesWhenExitChatRoom = NO;
Get chat room details
* Get chat room details
* @param aChatroomId Chat ID
* @param aCompletionBlock The completed callback
- (void)getChatroomSpecificationFromServerWithId:(NSString *)aChatroomId
completion:(void (^)(AgoraChatroom *aChatroom, AgoraError *aError))aCompletionBlock;
// Calling:
[[AgoraChatClient sharedClient].roomManager getChatroomSpecificationFromServerWithId:@"chatroomId" completion:^(AgoraChatroom *aChatroom, AgoraError *aError) {
if (!aError) {
NSLog(@"Get chat room details successfully");
} else {
NSLog(@"Reasons for failure to get chat room details --- %@", aError.errorDescription);
Paging to get a list of chat room members
* Get the list of chat room members
* @param aChatroomId Chat Room ID
* @param aCursor cursor
* @param aPageSize How many to get
* @param aCompletionBlock The completed callback
- (void)getChatroomMemberListFromServerWithId:(NSString *)aChatroomId
cursor:(NSString *)aCursor
completion:(void (^)(AgoraCursorResult *aResult, AgoraError *aError))aCompletionBlock;
// Calling :
[[AgoraChatClient sharedClient].roomManager getChatroomMemberListFromServerWithId:@"chatroomId" cursor:@"cursor" pageSize:50 completion:^(AgoraCursorResult *aResult, AgoraError *aError) {
if (!aError) {
// The AgoraCursorResult class has the cursor property
NSLog(@"Success in getting the list of chat room members");
} else {
NSLog(@"Reason for failure to get the list of chat room members --- %@", aError.errorDescription);
get the chat room blacklists by page
Requires Owner or Admin permission
* Get a chat room blacklists, requires owner/admin permission
* @param aChatroomId Chatroom ID
* @param aPageNum Get the number of pages
* @param aPageSize how many to get
* @param aCompletionBlock The completed callback
- (void)getChatroomBlacklistFromServerWithId:(NSString *)aChatroomId
completion:(void (^)(NSArray *aList, AgoraError *aError))aCompletionBlock;
// Called:
[[AgoraEClient sharedClient].roomManager getChatroomBlacklistFromServerWithId:@"chatroomId" pageNumber:1 pageSize:50 completion:^( NSArray *aList, AgoraError *aError) {
if (!aError) {
NSLog(@"Getting the chat room blacklist list was successful");
} else {
NSLog(@"Reason for failure to get chat room blacklist list --- %@", aError.errorDescription);
get the list of muted member in chat room by page
* Get the list of muted member in chat room
* @param aChatroomId Chatroom ID
* @param aPageNum Gets the number of pages
* @param aPageSize Get how many entries
* @param aCompletionBlock The completed callback
- (void)getChatroomMuteListFromServerWithId:(NSString *)aChatroomId
completion:(void (^)(NSArray *aList, AgoraError *aError))aCompletionBlock;
// Calling :
[[AgoraChatClient sharedClient].roomManager getChatroomMuteListFromServerWithId:@"chatroomId" pageNumber:1 pageSize:50 completion:^(NSArray *aList, AgoraError *aError) {
if (!aError) {
NSLog(@"Get chat room muted list successfully");
} else {
NSLog(@"Reason for failure in getting the chat room muted list --- %@", aError.errorDescription);
Update chat room name
Requires Owner permission
* Change chat room name, requires owner permission
* @param aSubject new subject
* @param aChatroomId Chatroom ID
* @param aCompletionBlock completed callback
- (void)updateSubject:(NSString *)aSubject
forChatroom:(NSString *)aChatroomId
completion:(void (^)(AgoraChatroom *aChatroom, AgoraError *aError))aCompletionBlock;
// Called:
[[AgoraChatClient sharedClient].roomManager updateSubject:@"newSubject" forChatroom:@"chatroomId" completion:^(AgoraChatroom *aChatroom, AgoraError *aError) {
if (!aError) {
NSLog(@"Changed chatroom subject successfully");
} else {
NSLog(@"Reason for failure to change chatroom subject --- %@", aError.errorDescription);
Update chat room description
Requires Owner permission
* Change chat room description, requires owner permission
* @param aDescription Description
* @param aChatroomId Chatroom ID
* @param aCompletionBlock The completed callback
- (void)updateDescription:(NSString *)aDescription
forChatroom:(NSString *)aChatroomId
completion:(void (^)(AgoraChatroom *aChatroom, AgoraError *aError))aCompletionBlock;
// Calling :
[[AgoraChatClient sharedClient].roomManager updateDescription:@"newDescription" forChatroom:@"chatroomId" completion:^(AgoraChatroom *aChatroom, AgoraError *aError) {
if (!aError) {
NSLog(@"Changing chat room description was successful");
} else {
NSLog(@"Reason for failure to change chat room description--- %@", aError.errorDescription);
Get chat room announcement
* Get the chat room announcement
* @param aChatroomId Chatroom ID
* @param aCompletionBlock The completed callback
- (void)getChatroomAnnouncementWithId:(NSString *)aChatroomId
completion:(void (^)(NSString *aAnnouncement, AgoraError *aError))aCompletionBlock;
// Called:
[[AgoraChatClient sharedClient].roomManager getChatroomAnnouncementWithId:@"chatroomId" completion:^(NSString *aAnnouncement, AgoraError * aError) {
if (!aError) {
NSLog(@"Getting chatroom announcement was successful");
} else {
NSLog(@"Reason for failure to get chat room announcement --- %@", aError.errorDescription);
It is also possible to get a message push for a chat room announcement through the chat room listener interface. See chatroom-related callbacks
Update chat room announcements
* Modify chat room announcement, need Owner / Admin permission
* @param aChatroomId Chatroom ID
* @param aAnnouncement group announcement
* @param aCompletionBlock The completed callback
- (void)updateChatroomAnnouncementWithId:(NSString *)aChatroomId
announcement:(NSString *)aAnnouncement
completion:(void (^)(AgoraChatroom *aChatroom, AgoraError *aError))aCompletionBlock;
// Calling :
[[AgoraChatClient sharedClient].roomManager updateChatroomAnnouncementWithId:@"chatroomId" announcement:@"newAnnouncement" completion:^(AgoraChatroom *aChatroom, AgoraError *aError) {
if (!aError) {
NSLog(@"Modify chat room announcement successfully");
} else {
NSLog(@"Reasons for failure to modify chat room announcements --- %@", aError.errorDescription);
When the chat room owner/Admin modifies the chat room announcement, other members will receive a notification that the chat room announcement has been updated
* Chat room announcement has been updated
* @param aChatroom Chat Room
* @param aAnnouncement Announcement
- (void)chatroomAnnouncementDidUpdate:(AgoraChatroom *)aChatroom
announcement:(NSString *)aAnnouncement;
Enable and disable full mute
Owners and administrators can enable and disable full mutes.
* \~chinese
* Set full mute, need Owner / Admin permission
* @param aChatroomId Chatroom ID
* @param aCompletionBlock The completed callback
- (void)muteAllMembersFromChatroom:(NSString *)aChatroomId
completion:(void(^)(AgoraChatroom *aChatroom, AgoraError *aError))aCompletionBlock;
* \~chinese
* Unblock all members, requires Owner / Admin permission
* @param aChatroomId Chatroom ID
* @param aCompletionBlock The completed callback
- (void)unmuteAllMembersFromChatroom:(NSString *)aChatroomId
completion:(void(^)(AgoraChatroom *aChatroom, AgoraError *aError))aCompletionBlock;
Whitelist management
Users can be added to a whitelist. The user whitelist takes effect when the administrator has enabled a full mute and whitelisted users can send messages. In addition you can move users out of the whitelist, check if you are in the whitelist and get the whitelist list.
* \~chinese
* Adding a whitelist requires Owner / Admin permission
* @param aMembers The added members list <NSString>
* @param aChatroomId Chatroom ID
* @param aCompletionBlock Callback for completed
- (void)addWhiteListMembers:(NSArray *)aMembers
fromChatroom:(NSString *)aChatroomId
completion:(void (^)(AgoraChatroom *aChatroom, AgoraError *aError))aCompletionBlock;
* \~chinese
* Remove whitelist, requires Owner / Admin permission
* @param aMembers The list of removed members <NSString>
* @param aChatroomId Chatroom ID
* @param aCompletionBlock Callback for completed
- (void)removeWhiteListMembers:(NSArray *)aMembers
fromChatroom:(NSString *)aChatroomId
completion:(void (^)(AgoraChatroom *aChatroom, AgoraError *aError))aCompletionBlock;
* \~chinese
* Check if you are in the chat room whitelist
* @param aChatroomId Chatroom ID
* @param pError error message
- (BOOL)isMemberInWhiteListFromServerWithChatroomId:(NSString *)aChatroomId
error:(AgoraError **)pError;
* \~chinese
* Get a list of chat room whitelists
* @param aChatroomId Chatroom ID
* @param aCompletionBlock The completed callback
- (void)getChatroomWhiteListFromServerWithId:(NSString *)aChatroomId
completion:(void (^)(NSArray *aList, AgoraError *aError))aCompletionBlock;
Move members out of the chat room
Requires Owner or Admin permission
* Move members out of the chat room, requires owner/admin permission
* @param aMembers list of users to be removed
* @param aChatroomId Chatroom ID
* @param aCompletionBlock The completed callback
- (void)removeMembers:(NSArray *)aMembers
fromChatroom:(NSString *)aChatroomId
completion:(void (^)(AgoraChatroom *aChatroom, AgoraError *aError))aCompletionBlock;
// Calling :
[[AgoraChatClient sharedClient].roomManager removeMembers:@[@"username"] fromChatroom:@"chatroomId" completion:^(AgoraChatroom *aChatroom, AgoraError *aError) {
if (!aError) {
NSLog(@"Removal of member from chat room successful");
} else {
NSLog(@"Reasons for failure to move members out of the chat room --- %@", aError.errorDescription);
Add user to chat room blacklist
Requires Owner or Admin permission
* Adding people to the chat room blacklist
* @param aMembers Users to be blacklisted
* @param aChatroomId Chatroom ID
* @param aCompletionBlock The completed callback
- (void)blockMembers:(NSArray *)aMembers
fromChatroom:(NSString *)aChatroomId
completion:(void (^)(AgoraChatroom *aChatroom, AgoraError *aError))aCompletionBlock;
// Called:
[[AgoraChatClient sharedClient].roomManager blockMembers:@[@"username"] fromChatroom:@"chatroomId" completion:^(AgoraChatroom *aChatroom, AgoraError *aError) {
if (!aError) {
NSLog(@"Adding people to chatroom blacklist was successful");
} else {
NSLog(@"Reason why adding people to the chatroom blacklist failed --- %@", aError.errorDescription);
Remove a user from chat room blacklist
Requires Owner or Admin permission
* Remove a user from chat room blacklist
* @param aMembers List of user to remove from the blacklist
* @param aChatroomId Chatroom ID
* @param aCompletionBlock The completed callback
- (void)unblockMembers:(NSArray *)aMembers
fromChatroom:(NSString *)aChatroomId
completion:(void (^)(AgoraChatroom *aChatroom, AgoraError *aError))aCompletionBlock;
// Calling :
[[AgoraChatClient sharedClient].roomManager unblockMembers:@[@"username"] fromChatroom:@"chatroomId" completion:^(AgoraChatroom *aChatroom, AgoraError *aError) {
if (!aError) {
NSLog(@"Success in remove users from chat room blacklist");
} else {
NSLog(@"Reason for failure to remove users from chat room blacklist --- %@", aError.errorDescription);
Change chat room creator
Requires Owner permission
* Change chat room creator, requires Owner permission
* @param aChatroomId Chatroom ID
* @param aNewOwner newOwner
* @param aCompletionBlock The completed callback
- (void)updateChatroomOwner:(NSString *)aChatroomId
newOwner:(NSString *)aNewOwner
completion:(void (^)(AgoraChatroom *aChatroom, AgoraError *aError))aCompletionBlock;
// Called:
[[AgoraChatClient sharedClient].roomManager updateChatroomOwner:@"chatroomId" newOwner:@"newOwner" completion:^(AgoraChatroom *aChatroom, AgoraError *aError) {
if (!aError) {
NSLog(@"Changing chatroom creator was successful");
} else {
NSLog(@"Reason for failure to change chatroom creator --- %@", aError.errorDescription);
Add chat room administrator
Requires Owner permission
* Add chat room administrator, requires Owner permission
* @param aAdmin the group administrator to add
* @param aChatroomId Chatroom ID
* @param aCompletionBlock The completed callback
- (void)addAdmin:(NSString *)aAdmin
toChatroom:(NSString *)aChatroomId
completion:(void (^)(AgoraChatroom *aChatroomp, AgoraError *aError))aCompletionBlock;
// Called with:
[[AgoraChatClient sharedClient].roomManager addAdmin:@"adminId" toChatroom:@"chatroomId" completion:^(AgoraChatroom *aChatroomp, AgoraError * aError) {
if (!aError) {
NSLog(@"Add chatroom admin successfully");
} else {
NSLog(@"Reason for failure to add chatroom admin --- %@", aError.errorDescription);
Remove chat room administrator
Requires Owner permission
* Remove chat room administrator, requires Owner permission
* @param aAdmin the group administrator to remove
* @param aChatroomId Chatroom ID
* @param aCompletionBlock Callback for completed
- (void)removeAdmin:(NSString *)aAdmin
fromChatroom:(NSString *)aChatroomId
completion:(void (^)(AgoraChatroom *aChatroom, AgoraError *aError))aCompletionBlock;
// Called:
[[AgoraChatClient sharedClient].roomManager removeAdmin:@"adminId" fromChatroom:@"chatroomId" completion:^(AgoraChatroom *aChatroom, AgoraError *aError) {
if (!aError) {
NSLog(@"Remove of chatroom administrator successfully");
} else {
NSLog(@"Reason for failure to remove chatroom administrator --- %@", aError.errorDescription);
Muting chat room members
Those with high permission can mute those with low permission, and vice versa not allowed
* Muting a group member requires Owner / Admin permission
* @param aMuteMembers List of members to be muted <NSString>
* @param aMuteMilliseconds length of mute (in milliseconds, if "-1" means permanent mute)
* @param aChatroomId Chatroom ID
* @param aCompletionBlock The completed callback
- (void)muteMembers:(NSArray *)aMuteMembers
fromChatroom:(NSString *)aChatroomId
completion:(void (^)(AgoraChatroom *aChatroom, AgoraError *aError))aCompletionBlock;
// Called:
[[AgoraChatClient sharedClient].roomManager muteMembers:@[@"userName"] muteMilliseconds:10000 fromChatroom:@"chatroomId" completion:^( AgoraChatroom *aChatroom, AgoraError *aError) {
if (!aError) {
NSLog(@"muted a group member successfully");
} else {
NSLog(@"Reason for muting a group member failed --- %@", aError.errorDescription);
High permission can mute low permission, and vice versa not allowed
* To unmute, you need Owner / Admin permission.
* @param aMuteMembers list of unmuted <NSString>
* @param aChatroomId Chatroom ID
* @param aCompletionBlock The completed callback
- (void)unmuteMembers:(NSArray *)aMembers
fromChatroom:(NSString *)aChatroomId
completion:(void (^)(AgoraChatroom *aChatroom, AgoraError *aError))aCompletionBlock;
// Called:
[[AgoraChatClient sharedClient].roomManager unmuteMembers:@[@"userName"] fromChatroom:@"chatroomId" completion:^(AgoraChatroom *aChatroom, AgoraError *aError) {
if (!aError) {
NSLog(@"unmute successful");
} else {
NSLog(@"Reason for unmuting failure --- %@", aError.errorDescription);
Callbacks related to chat rooms
Registering for a chat room callback
//Register for chat room callbacks
[[AgoraChatClient sharedClient].roomManager addDelegate:self delegateQueue:nil];
//Remove chat room callbacks
[[AgoraChatClient sharedClient].roomManager removeDelegate:self];
Callback method:
* A user has joined the chat room
* @param aChatroom chat room joined
* @param aUsername Joiner
- (void)userDidJoinChatroom:(AgoraChatroom *)aChatroom
user:(NSString *)aUsername;
* A user has left the chatroom
* @param aChatroom The chatroom that left
* @param aUsername The person who left
- (void)userDidLeaveChatroom:(AgoraChatroom *)aChatroom
user:(NSString *)aUsername;
* Kicked out of the chatroom
* @param aChatroom the chatroom which user was kicked out of
* @param aReason the reason for being kicked out of the chatroom
- (void)didDismissFromChatroom:(AgoraChatroom *)aChatroom
* A member has been added to the mute list
* @param aChatroom chatroom
* @param aMutedMembers muted members
* @param aMuteExpire mute expiration time, temporarily unavailable
- (void)chatroomMuteListDidUpdate:(AgoraChatroom *)aChatroom
addedMutedMembers:(NSArray *)aMutes
* A member was moved out of the muted list
* @param aChatroom chatroom
* @param aMutedMembers Member removed from the mute list
- (void)chatroomMuteListDidUpdate:(AgoraChatroom *)aChatroom
removedMutedMembers:(NSArray *)aMutes;
* A member has been added to the list of administrators
* @param aChatroom chatroom
* @param aAdmin Member added to the administrators list
- (void)chatroomAdminListDidUpdate:(AgoraChatroom *)aChatroom
addedAdmin:(NSString *)aAdmin;
* A member was moved out of the admin list
* @param aChatroom chatroom
* @param aAdmin The member that was moved out of the admin list
- (void)chatroomAdminListDidUpdate:(AgoraChatroom *)aChatroom
removedAdmin:(NSString *)aAdmin;
* Chatroom creator has updates
* @param aChatroom chatroom
* @param aNewOwner New group owner
* @param aOldOwner old group owner
- (void)chatroomOwnerDidUpdate:(AgoraChatroom *)aChatroom
newOwner:(NSString *)aNewOwner
oldOwner:(NSString *)aOldOwner;