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Common error codes of iOS API

The header file AgoraErrorCode.h in the SDK. Please determine the error based on its type, not the number.

The class of error codes in iOS is AgoraError.

For example, if the user returns an existing error during registration, it can be detected as follows: error.code

For details, see iOS error Doc.

Definition Description
AgoraErrorGeneral Error
AgoraErrorNerworkUnavailable Network Unavailable
AgoraErrorNotExist Not exist
AgoraErrorInvalidAppkey Invalid AppKey
AgoraErrorInvalidUsername Username is invalid
AgoraErrorInvalidPassword Password is invalid
AgoraErrorInvalidURL URL is invalid
AgoraErrorUserAlreadyLogin User logged in
AgoraErrorUserNotLogin User is not logged in
AgoraErrorUserAuthenticationFailed Failed to get token
AgoraErrorUserAlreadyExist User already exists
AgoraErrorUserNotFound User does not exist
AgoraErrorUserIllegalArgument Invalid argument
AgoraErrorUserLoginOnAnotherDevice The current user name is logged in on another device
AgoraErrorUserRemoved The current user name is deleted on the server side
AgoraErrorUserRegisterFailed User registration failed
AgoraErrorServerNotLogin User has not login the server
AgoraErrorServerNotReachable Server not connected
AgoraErrorServerTimeout Connection to server timed out
AgoraErrorServerBusy Server is busy
AgoraErrorServerUnknownError Unknown server error
AgoraErrorFileNotFound File not found
AgoraErrorFileInvalid Invalid file
AgoraErrorFileUploadFailed Failed to upload file
AgoraErrorFileDownloadFailed Failed to download file
AgoraErrorMessageInvalid = 500 Invalid message
AgoraErrorMessageIncludeIllegalSpeech Message content contains sensitive information
AgoraErrorGroupInvalidId = 600 Invalid group ID
AgoraErrorGroupAlreadyJoined Joined the group
AgoraErrorGroupNotJoined Not joined the group
AgoraErrorGroupPermissionDenied No permission to execute this operation
AgoraErrorGroupMembersFull The number of group members has reached the maximum
AgoraErrorChatroomInvalidId Invalid chat room ID
AgoraErrorChatroomAlreadyJoined Joined the chat room
AgoraErrorChatroomNotJoined Not joined the chat room
AgoraErrorChatroomPermissionDenied No permission to execute this operation
AgoraErrorChatroomMembersFull The number of chat room members reaches the maximum
AgoraErrorCallInvalidId Invalid live call ID
AgoraErrorCallBusy Already in a real-time call
AgoraErrorCallRemoteOffline The other party is not online
AgoraErrorCallConnectFailed Failed to establish connection for real-time call
AgoraErrorApnsBindDeviceTokenFailed Failed to register device token