Parse APNs content
Single chat
Do not display the details
"body":"you got a new message"
- alert: messages display
- badge: corner mark, represent the number of offline messages
- sound: sound of alert when receving APNs
- f: Chat user ID of the message sender
- t: Chat user ID of the message recevier
- m: message ID
Display the details
- alert: messages display
- ApnsName: User name set by the sender(the user’s nickname seen in the backstage of developer console)
- xxxx: Content of message(it will show what the sender sent)
- badge:corner mark, represent the number of offline messages
- sound: sound of alert when receving APNs
- f: Chat user ID of the message sender
- t: Chat user ID of the message recevier
- m: message ID
Group Chat
do not display the details
"body":"you got a new message"
- alert: messages display
- badge: corner mark, represent the number of offline messages
- sound: sound of alert when receiving APNs
- f: Chat user ID of the message sender
- t: Chat user ID of the message receiver
- g: group ID
- m: message ID
Display the details
- alert: messages display
- Apns Name: User name set by the sender(the user’s nickname seen in the backstage of developer console)
- xxxx: Content of message(it will show what the sender sent)
- badge: corner mark, represent the number of offline messages
- sound: sound of alert when receiving APNs
- f: Chat user ID of the message sender
- t: Chat user ID of the message receivier
- g: group ID
- m: message ID
Add extension fields to APNs
APNs extension fields(em_apns_ext): After adding it, the APNs you received will contain the fields you filled in, which can help you distinguish APNs.
AgoraChat provides the following extension fields:
extension fields descriptions ————————- ————————————– em_push_content Custom push display em_push_category Add category field to APNs Payload em_push_sound Custom push alert sound em_push_mutable_content Enable APNs alert extension
Parse content
"apns": {
"alert": {
"body": "hello from rest"
"badge": 1,
"sound": "default"
"e": "Custom push extension",
"f": "6001",
"t": "6006",
"m": "373360335316321408"
- e: Custom push extension sent by you
"target_type": "users",
"target": [
"msg": {
"type": "txt",
"msg": "hello from rest"
"ext": {
"em_apns_ext": {
"extern": "Custom push extension"
"from": "6001"
iOS Send
AgoraTextMessageBody *body = [[AgoraTextMessageBody alloc] initWithText:@"test"];
AgoraMessage *message = [[AgoraMessage alloc] initWithConversationID:@"6006" from:@"6001" to:@"6006" body:body ext:nil];
message.ext = @{@"em_apns_ext":@{@"extern":@"custom push extension"}}; // The ext here is the same as the ext passed when the message is initialized. The purpose of list it separately here is to express it more clearly.
message.chatType = AgoraChatTypeChat; // Set the message type
[AgoraChatClient.sharedClient.chatManager sendMessage:message progress:nil completion:nil];
Custom display
After set up, the APNs alert information you receive will be the information you set
"body":"Custom push display"
"target_type": "users",
"target": [
"msg": {
"type": "txt",
"msg": "hello from rest"
"from": "6001",
"ext": {
"em_apns_ext": {
"em_push_content": "Custom push display"
iOS Send
AgoraTextMessageBody *body = [[AgoraTextMessageBody alloc] initWithText:@"test"];
AgoraMessage *message = [[AgoraMessage alloc] initWithConversationID:@"6006" from:@"6001" to:@"6006" body:body ext:nil];
message.ext = @{@"em_apns_ext":@{@"extern":@"custom push display"}}; // The ext here is the same as the ext passed when the message is initialized. The purpose of list it separately here is to express it more clearly.
message.chatType = AgoraChatTypeChat; // Set the message type
[AgoraChatClient.sharedClient.chatManager sendMessage:message progress:nil completion:nil];
Custom display and custom extension
The custom display and custom extension will be sent to the other party at the same time.
"body":"Custom push display"
"e": "custom push extension",
REST send
"target_type": "users",
"target": [
"msg": {
"type": "txt",
"msg": "hello from rest"
"from": "6001",
"ext": {
"em_apns_ext": {
"em_push_content": "Custom push display",
"extern": "custom push extension"
iOS Send
NSString *willSendText = [EaseConvertToCommonEmoticonsHelper convertToCommonEmoticons:text];
AgoraTextMessageBody *body = [[AgoraTextMessageBody alloc] initWithText:@"test"];
AgoraMessage *message = [[AgoraMessage alloc] initWithConversationID:@"6006" from:@"6001" to:@"6006" body:body ext:nil];
message.ext = @{@"em_apns_ext":@{@"extern":@"custom push extension",@"em_push_content":@"custom push display"}}; // The ext here is the same as the ext passed when the message is initialized. The purpose of list it separately here is to express it more clearly.
message.chatType = AgoraChatTypeChat; // Set the message type
[AgoraChatClient.sharedClient.chatManager sendMessage:message progress:nil completion:nil];
Add category field
Add the category field to APNs Payload.
"target_type": "users",
"target": [
"msg": {
"type": "txt",
"msg": "hello from rest"
"from": "6001",
"ext": {
"em_apns_ext": {
"em_push_category" : "NEW_MESSAGE_CATEGORY"
Custom push alert sound
After set up, the APNs alert sound you receive will be what you set.
* If this field is not set, the default sound will be played; if there is this field, the sound will be played if the specified sound is found, otherwise the default sound will be played. If this field is an null, iOS 7 will play the default sound, and iOS 8 and above will keep silent
* The following example custom alert sound file name is custom.caf.
* Integration method: Import the caf format audio file of the custom alert sound into the iOS project. sending message will follow the following example to increase the message extension. When the receiver at offline receives the offline push of APNs, the custom alert sound can be played.
support format Linear PCM MA4 (IMA/ADPCM) µLaw aLaw
Storage path AppData/Library/Sounds,The duration must not exceed 30 seconds。 For the details,please refer to Apple’s official documentsGenerating a Remote Notification
"body":"you got a new message"
Note:"em_push_sound" is the extension field for setting custom APNs alert sound, value is the name of the audio file in string type.
"target_type": "users",
"target": [
"msg": {
"type": "txt",
"msg": "hello from rest"
"from": "6001",
"ext": {
"em_apns_ext": {
"em_push_sound": "custom.caf"
iOS Send
AgoraTextMessageBody *body = [[AgoraTextMessageBody alloc] initWithText:@"test"];
AgoraMessage *message = [[AgoraMessage alloc] initWithConversationID:@"6006" from:@"6001" to:@"6006" body:body ext:nil];
message.ext = @{@"em_apns_ext":@{@"em_push_sound":@"custom.caf"}}; // the extension field for setting custom APNs alert sound, value is the name of the audio file in string type
message.chatType = AgoraChatTypeChat; // Set the message type
[AgoraChatClient.sharedClient.chatManager sendMessage:message progress:nil completion:nil];
Enable APNs alert extension
After set up, the APNs push of this message will support UNNotificationServiceExtension on the server side, and UNNotificationServiceExtension needs to be integrated in the project in the app. After these operation, APNs notification extension can be used. See the iOS integration method. Apple offical document
"body":"you got a new message"
([REST sending message)
注:"em_push_mutable_content"’s value is bool type,true is enable;false or not set, it will be the Remote Notification.
"target_type": "users",
"target": [
"msg": {
"type": "txt",
"msg": "hello from rest"
"from": "6001",
"ext": {
"em_apns_ext": {
"em_push_mutable_content": true
iOS Send
AgoraTextMessageBody *body = [[AgoraTextMessageBody alloc] initWithText:@"test"];
AgoraMessage *message = [[AgoraMessage alloc] initWithConversationID:@"6006" from:@"6001" to:@"6006" body:body ext:nil];
message.ext = @{@"em_apns_ext":@{@"em_push_mutable_content":@YES}}; // @YES is enable,@NO or not set, it will be the Remote Notification.
message.chatType = AgoraChatTypeChat; // Set the message type
[AgoraChatClient.sharedClient.chatManager sendMessage:message progress:nil completion:nil];
APNs push international configuration
The offline messages push of can support the following APNs’ international configurations’
The official explanation about these keys:
- title-loc-key(String):The key for a localized title string. Specify this key instead of the title key to retrieve the title from your app’s Localizable.strings files. The value must contain the name of a key in your strings file.
<!-- -->
- title-loc-args(Array of strings):An array of strings containing replacement values for variables in your title string. Each %@ character in the string specified by the title-loc-key is replaced by a value from this array. The first item in the array replaces the first instance of the %@ character in the string, the second item replaces the second instance, and so on.
<!-- -->
- loc-key(String):The key for a localized message string. Use this key, instead of the body key, to retrieve the message text from your app's Localizable.strings file. The value must contain the name of a key in your strings file.
<!-- -->
- loc-args(Array of strings):An array of strings containing replacement values for variables in your message text. Each %@ character in the string specified by loc-key is replaced by a value from this array. The first item in the array replaces the first instance of the %@ character in the string, the second item replaces the second instance, and so on.
Apples offical development documents
a pair,withouttitle-loc-key
will not work,If there is no variable parameter, you can just settitle-loc-key
<!-- -->
a pair,withoutloc-key
will not work,If there is no variable parameter, you can just setloc-key
<!-- -->
- You can also set only one of the above two pairs.
iOS Client configuration
- Configure the internationalization file
,as configured in the demoLocalizable.strings (Chinese (Simplified))
、Localizable.strings (English)
<!-- -->
- Configure
And assign values, you need to use variable parameter string in thetitle-loc-args
to replace it ; as follows:
configure in Localizable.strings (Chinese (Simplified))
"GAME_PLAY_REQUEST_FORMAT" = "%@ game invitaion %@";
"GAME_PLAY_REQUEST" = "game invitaion";
configure in Localizable.strings (English)
Set the message extension when sending a message
"target_type" : "users",
"target" : ["6006"],
"msg" : {
"type" : "txt",
"msg" : "hello from rest"
"ext": {
"em_apns_ext": {
"em_push_content": "Custom push display", # You can set up a custom push display at the same time, and an app without configured loc-key will display "Custom Push Display"
"em_push_title_loc_key" : "GAME_PLAY_REQUEST_FORMAT", # corresponds to title_loc_key
"em_push_title_loc_args" : ["Shelly", "Rick"], # corresponds to title_loc_args
"em_push_body_loc_key" : "GAME_PLAY_REQUEST_FORMAT", # corresponds to loc_key
"em_push_body_loc_args" : ["Shelly", "Rick"] # corresponds to loc_args
"from" : "6001"
iOS send
AgoraTextMessageBody *body = [[AgoraTextMessageBody alloc] initWithText:@"test"];
AgoraMessage *message = [[AgoraMessage alloc] initWithConversationID:@"6006" from:@"6001" to:@"6006" body:body ext:nil];
message.ext = @{@"em_apns_ext":@{@"em_push_title_loc_key":@"GAME_PLAY_REQUEST_FORMAT", @"em_push_title_loc_args":@[@"Shelly", @"Rick"], @"em_push_body_loc_key":@"GAME_PLAY_REQUEST_FORMAT", @"em_push_body_loc_args":@[@"Shelly", @"Rick"]}};
message.chatType = AgoraChatTypeChat; // Set the message type
[AgoraChatClient.sharedClient.chatManager sendMessage:message progress:nil completion:nil];
"body":"Custom push display",
Send silent message
No APNs will be sent. After adding with sending a message, the message will not be pushed by APNs.
REST send
"msg":"hello from rest"
iOS Send
AgoraTextMessageBody *body = [[AgoraTextMessageBody alloc] initWithText:@"test"];
AgoraMessage *message = [[AgoraMessage alloc] initWithConversationID:@"6006" from:@"6001" to:@"6006" body:body ext:nil];
message.ext = @{@"em_ignore_notification":@YES};
message.chatType = AgoraChatTypeChat; // Set the message type
// Send message example
[AgoraChatClient.sharedClient.chatManager sendMessage:message progress:nil completion:nil];
Set up forced push APNs
After set up, it will be forced to push the message, even if the client has set the do not disturb time, it will be pushed. Priority is lower than em_ignore_notification. if em_ignore_notification is set at the same time After that, the attribute will become invalid.
([REST sending message)
"msg":"hello from rest"
iOS send
([iOS sending messages)
AgoraTextMessageBody *body = [[AgoraTextMessageBody alloc] initWithText:@"test"];
AgoraMessage *message = [[AgoraMessage alloc] initWithConversationID:@"6006" from:@"6001" to:@"6006" body:body ext:nil];
message.ext = @{@"em_force_notification":@YES};
message.chatType = AgoraChatTypeChat; // Set the message type
// Send message example
[AgoraChatClient.sharedClient.chatManager sendMessage:message progress:nil completion:nil];