Edit me

Product description

User metadata refer to user’s information, including: nickname, avatar, age, mobile phone number, etc. User metadata are optional services. If users do not want sensitive information to be stored in the Agora server, they can maintain it by themselves.

Use the user metadata function to get the following capabilities:

  • Reading and writing ability of standard user metadata, including: nickname, avatar url, email address, phone number, gender, signature, birthday;
  • the read and write capabilities of custom user metadata, provide custom extensions, and add multiple metadata through JSON strings.

Integration overview

The SDK provides a user metadata function, which can be used to save fields such as avatar address, nickname, phone number, and extension fields. The related interfaces are introduced as follows:

The user metadata module is getted as follows:

     * get userInfo manager
     * @return UserInfoManager
    public UserInfoManager userInfoManager() {}

UserInfo is an encapsulation of all fields of user metadata. The fields are described as follows:

 * User metadata entity class, information about the user,
 * the following metadata:
 * nickName; avatarUrl; email; phoneNumber; isMale;
 * signature; birthday; userId;ext;
public class UserInfo {
    private String nickName;
    private String avatarUrl;
    private String email;
    private String phoneNumber;
    private int gender = 0;
    private String signature;
    private String birth;
    private String userId;
    private String ext;
    public UserInfo(){}

Set user metadata

Users can set their own user metadata. When setting user metadata, they can set all metadata or only one metadata

  • Set all metadata of the user

The interface for setting all metadata of the user is as follows

     * Update own userInfo.
     * @param callBack result callback
    public void updateOwnInfo(final UserInfo userInfo, final ValueCallBack<String> callBack) {}

The calling process is as follows:

UserInfo userInfo = new UserInfo();
userInfo.setSignature("Persistence is victory");
ChatClient.getInstance().userInfoManager().updateOwnInfo(userInfo, new ValueCallBack<String>() {
            public void onSuccess(String value) {

            public void onError(int error, String errorMsg) {

  • Set one or several metadata

The user metadata types that users can specify include:

      * Related user metadata The metadata types are defined as follows:
      * NICKNAME
      * AVATAR_URL Avatar
      * EMAIL mailbox
      * PHONE phone
      * GENDER gender
      * SIGN signature
      * BIRTH birthday
      * EXT extension field
     public enum UserInfoType {

The interface for setting the metadata of a specified user is as follows:

     * Update own userInfo.
     * @param callBack result callback
    public void updateOwnInfoByAttribute(final UserInfoType metadata, final String value, final ValueCallBack<String> callBack){}

The examples are as follows (an example to modify the user profile picture):

 String url = "https://download-sdk.oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com/downloads/IMDemo/avatar/Image1.png";
 ChatClient.getInstance().userInfoManager().updateOwnInfoByAttribute(UserInfoType.AVATAR_URL, url, new ValueCallBack<String>() {
              public void onSuccess(String value) {

              public void onError(int error, String errorMsg) {

Get user metadata

When getting user metadata, you can get all the metadata of the user, or you can get a specific item or some of them. If you only get a nickname or avatar:

  • Get all metadata of the user

The interface for getting all metadata of the user is as follows:

      * Update own userInfo.
      * @param callBack result callback
     public void fetchUserInfoByUserId(final String[] userIds, final ValueCallBack<Map<String,UserInfo>> callBack) {}

The call is as follows

 String[] userId = new String[1];
 userId[0] = username;
 ChatClient.getInstance().userInfoManager().fetchUserInfoByUserId(userId, new ValueCallBack<Map<String, UserInfo>>() {}
  • Get a certain item or properties specified by the user

The interface for geting the metadata of a specified user is as follows:

      * Update own userInfo.
      * @param callBack result callback
     public void fetchUserInfoByAttribute(final String[] userIds, final UserInfoType[] metadata, ValueCallBack<Map<String,UserInfo>> callBack){}

The call is as follows:

String[] userId = new String[1];
userId[0] = ChatClient.getInstance().getCurrentUser();
UserInfoType[] userInfoTypes = new UserInfoType[2];
userInfoTypes[0] = UserInfoType.NICKNAME;
userInfoTypes[1] = UserInfoType.AVATAR_URL;
ChatClient.getInstance().userInfoManager().fetchUserInfoByAttribute(userId, userInfoTypes,
           new ValueCallBack<Map<String, UserInfo>>() {}

User avatar management

The user metadata function does not provide file storage service and avatar file storage service, only the url address of the avatar file is stored. Therefore, users need to use third-party file storage services. When a user sets an avatar, he needs to upload the avatar file to a third-party file storage service first, and then set the url address getted after uploading as the avatar url field of the user metadata. When the avatar is displayed, the avatar url is getted by calling the SDK method to get user metadata, and then the avatar is displayed on the local UI.

Card Message

The SDK does not have a card type of message, but the card function can be realized by customizing the message type. You can set the event of the custom message to "userCard", and add fields such as the chat id, nickname and avatar needed to display the business card in the ext to realize the function of sending and receiving business cards.

The business card message sending process is as follows:

  ChatMessage message = ChatMessage.createSendMessage(ChatMessage.Type.CUSTOM);
                CustomMessageBody body = new CustomMessageBody(DemoConstant.USER_CARD_EVENT);
                Map<String,String> params = new HashMap<>();

If you need to display more information in the card, you can add more fields in the ext.