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The ID of the device logged in by other devices

When the PC terminal and the mobile terminal log in to the same account, the device ID of the PC terminal can be got through a specific method on the mobile terminal. The device ID is equivalent to a special friend Username and can be used directly for chat, and the usage method is similar to friend.


class ContactManager:

      * get the ID of the logged-in user on other devices from the server
      * @return ID list of other devices login
      * @throws ChatException
     public List<String> getSelfIdsOnOtherPlatform() throws ChatException
      * Asynchronous operation, get the ID of the logged-in user on other devices from the server
      * @param callback contains the user's login ID on other devices
     public void aysncGetSelfIdsOnOtherPlatform(final ValueCallBack<List<String>> callback);

Usage example

     List<String> selfIds = ChatClient.getInstance().contactManager().getSelfIdsOnOtherPlatform();

Multi-device event callback

Account A is logged in to device A and device B at the same time. Account A performs some operations on device A. Device B will receive notifications corresponding to these operations. The specific instructions are as follows:

Interface MultiDeviceListener

interface MultiDeviceListener {
     * The friend has been removed from another device
    int CONTACT_REMOVE = 2;

     * The friend request has been approved on other device
    int CONTACT_ACCEPT = 3;

     * The friend request has been rejected on other device
    int CONTACT_DECLINE = 4;

     * The current user adds someone to the blacklist on other device
    int CONTACT_BAN = 5;

     * Friends are removed from the blacklist on other device
     int CONTACT_ALLOW = 6;

     * Created a group
    int GROUP_CREATE = 10;

     * Destroyed the group
    int GROUP_DESTROY = 11;

     * Already joined the group
    int GROUP_JOIN = 12;

     * Already left the group
    int GROUP_LEAVE = 13;

     * send group application
    int GROUP_APPLY = 14;

     * approve group application
    int GROUP_APPLY_ACCEPT = 15;

     * Reject group application

     * Invite group members
    int GROUP_INVITE = 17; //

     * apporve the group invitation
    int GROUP_INVITE_ACCEPT = 18; //

     * Decline group invitation

     * Kick someone out of the group
    int GROUP_KICK = 20;

     * add to the group blacklist
    int GROUP_BAN = 21; //Join the group blacklist

     * Remove from group blacklist
    int GROUP_ALLOW = 22;

     * Block group
    int GROUP_BLOCK = 23;

     * Unblock group
    int GROUP_UNBLOCK = 24;

     * Transfer group's ownership
    int GROUP_ASSIGN_OWNER = 25;

     * Add administrator
    int GROUP_ADD_ADMIN = 26;

     * Remove administrator
    int GROUP_REMOVE_ADMIN = 27;

     * mute user
    int GROUP_ADD_MUTE = 28;

     * unmute user
    int GROUP_REMOVE_MUTE = 29;

     * Multi-device contact events
    void onContactEvent(int event, String target, String ext);

     * Multi-device group event
    void onGroupEvent(int event, String target, List<String> usernames);

Usage example

//Register to listen
ChatClient.getInstance().addMultiDeviceListener(new MyMultiDeviceListener()); // class MyMultiDeviceListener implements MultiDeviceListener

//Cancel listening