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You can pull historical messages from the server to the local, so that it can synchronize messages when users switch to different device (This function is a value-added service, you need to contact Agora Sales to activate)

This method belongs to ChatManager class, which is called by ChatClient.getInstance().chatManager()

     * Get historical information from the server
     * @param conversationId    conversation name
     * @param type        conversation type
     * @param pageSize     geted page size (up to 50 items at a time)
     * @param startMsgId    The starting message id of the roaming message, if it is null, it will be retrieved forward, starting from the latest message 
     * @return      return the message list and the Cursor used to continue to get history
    public CursorResult<ChatMessage> fetchHistoryMessages(String conversationId, ConversationType type, int pageSize,String startMsgId);

     * Get history from the server
     * @param conversationId    conversation name
     * @param type          conversation type
     * @param pageSize     geted page size
     * @param startMsgId    The starting message id of the roaming message, if it is null, it will be retrieved forward, starting from the latest message
     * @param callBack     return the message list and the Cursor used to continue to get historical messages
    public void asyncFetchHistoryMessage(String conversationId, ConversationType type, int pageSize, String startMsgId, ValueCallBack<CursorResult<ChatMessage>> callBack)