Edit me

Follow these steps to send your first message

1、Add remote library address of mavenCentral and remote library dependencies in your project

Add the remote library address to the build.gradle file in your project root directory

buildscript {
   repositories {

allprojects {
   repositories {

Then add the following code to the build.gradle of your module

android {
    compileOptions {
        sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
        targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
dependencies {
    //other necessary dependencies
    implementation 'io.hyphenate:chat-sdk:xxx version number'

SDK version number reference Release Note

2、 Initialize the Chat SDK

// set init sdk options
ChatOptions options = new ChatOptions();
// set your appkey
options.setAppKey("Your appkey");
//init hyphenate sdk with options
ChatClient.getInstance().init(context, options);

3、Login chat server

ChatClient.getInstance().login(mAccount, mPassword, new CallBack() {
             * Sign in success callback
            public void onSuccess() {
                // Sign in success jump MainActivity
                Intent intent = new Intent(mActivity, MainActivity.class);
                // finish activity;

             * Sign in failed callback
             * @param code failed code
             * @param message failed message
            public void onError(final int code, final String message) {

            public void onProgress(int progress, String content) {

4、Construct and send the message

// create a message
ChatMessage message = ChatMessage.createTxtSendMessage("Hello world!", toChatUsername);
// send message