Contact management
Contact management gives you a better experience in chat functions. Easemob Web IM SDK supports friend system management. The operations related to contact are as follows:
Query contact list
Monitor friend status events
Add contact
Handling contact requests
Delete contact
Multiple friend system managing operations, which covers various integration scenarios.
Parameter explanation
Name | FieldName | DataType | Description |
User ID | username | String | User ID is the only identification of Agora users, which is unique within the scope of AppKey |
Query contact list
Call getRoster to query the list of contact, the sample code is as follows:
conn.getRoster().then( (res) => {
console.log(res) // > ['user1', 'user2']
Listen to friend status events
Register the following events in the SDK conn.listen() to monitor the status of your contact. The sample code is as follows:
onContactInvited: function(msg){}, // Receive friend invitation
onContactDeleted: function(){}, // Call back this method when it is deleted
onContactAdded: function(){}, // Call back this method when a contact is added
onContactRefuse: function(){}, // Friend request denied
onContactAgreed: function(){} // Friend request denied
Add friend
Call addContact to add a friend, the sample code is as follows:
let message = 'Nice to meet you here!';
conn.addContact('username', message);
Handling friend requests
When receiving a request of “add friend”, there are two methods:
Agree to add as a friend
Refuse to add as a friend
The specific code implementation example is as follows:
Agree to add as a friend
Call acceptInvitation method to agree to add contact, the sample code is as follows:
Refuse to add as a friend
Call declineInvitation method to refuse to add a friend, the sample code is as follows:
Delete friend
Call deleteContact method to delete a friend, the code example is as follows:
In the integrated blacklist operations, there are the following blacklist function operations:
Add contact to blacklist
Get blacklist list
Remove contact from the blacklist
Add contact to blacklist
After adding a friend to the blacklist, you can still be found on its friend list, but it cannot send you messages.
// User ID, add one as a single user ID; batch add as an array of user IDs, such as ["user1","user2",...]
Get blacklist list
Call the getBlacklist function to get the blacklist, the sample code is as follows:
console.log(res); // > ['user1', 'user2']
Remove contact from blacklist
// Delete one as a single user ID; batch delete as an array of user IDs, such as ["user1","user2"]
name: ['user1']