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Contact management

Contact management gives you a better experience in chat functions. Easemob Web IM SDK supports friend system management. The operations related to contact are as follows:

  • Query contact list

  • Monitor friend status events

  • Add contact

  • Handling contact requests

  • Delete contact

  • Blacklist

Multiple friend system managing operations, which covers various integration scenarios.

Parameter explanation

Name FieldName DataType Description
User ID username String User ID is the only identification of Agora users, which is unique within the scope of AppKey

Query contact list

Call getRoster to query the list of contact, the sample code is as follows:

conn.getRoster().then( (res) => {
  console.log(res) // res.data > ['user1', 'user2']

Listen to friend status events

Register the following events in the SDK conn.listen() to monitor the status of your contact. The sample code is as follows:

  onContactInvited: function(msg){}, // Receive friend invitation
  onContactDeleted: function(){}, // Call back this method when it is deleted
  onContactAdded: function(){}, // Call back this method when a contact is added 
  onContactRefuse: function(){}, // Friend request denied
  onContactAgreed: function(){} // Friend request denied

Add friend

Call addContact to add a friend, the sample code is as follows:

let message = 'Nice to meet you here!';
conn.addContact('username', message);

Handling friend requests

When receiving a request of “add friend”, there are two methods:

  • Agree to add as a friend

  • Refuse to add as a friend

The specific code implementation example is as follows:

Agree to add as a friend

Call acceptInvitation method to agree to add contact, the sample code is as follows:


Refuse to add as a friend

Call declineInvitation method to refuse to add a friend, the sample code is as follows:


Delete friend

Call deleteContact method to delete a friend, the code example is as follows:



In the integrated blacklist operations, there are the following blacklist function operations:

  • Add contact to blacklist

  • Get blacklist list

  • Remove contact from the blacklist

Add contact to blacklist

After adding a friend to the blacklist, you can still be found on its friend list, but it cannot send you messages.

// User ID, add one as a single user ID; batch add as an array of user IDs, such as ["user1","user2",...] 

Get blacklist list

Call the getBlacklist function to get the blacklist, the sample code is as follows:

  console.log(res);  // res.data > ['user1', 'user2']

Remove contact from blacklist

// Delete one as a single user ID; batch delete as an array of user IDs, such as ["user1","user2"] 
  name: ['user1']