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Chat room management

Agora Web IM SDK supports the integration of chat room management functions. The following operations can be executed after the integration:

  • Get chat room list

  • Join the chat room

  • Exit the chat room

  • Send message

  • Receive and process messages

  • Related chat room callbacks

Through these operations, you can use any combinations to achieve IM requirements in a variety of scenarios.

Create chat room

Creating chat room requires Super administrator rights, Call the "createChatRoom" function to create a chat room, the example is as follows:

let options = {
    name: 'chatRoomName', // Chat room name
    description: 'description', // Chat room description
    maxusers: 200, // The maximum number of chat room members (including the creator of the chat room), the default value is 200, the maximum value is 5000
    members: ['user1', 'user2'] // Members of the chat room, this attribute is optional, but if you add this option, there is at least one array element 
conn.createChatRoom(options).then((res) => {

Destroy chat room

Destroy the chat room requires[Super administrator rights] (http://docs-im.easemob.com/im/server/basics/chatroom#%E7%AE%A1%E7%90%86%E8%B6%85%E7%BA%A7%E7%AE%A1%E7%90%86%E5%91%98), Call the "destroyChatRoom" function to destroy the chat room, the example is as follows:

let options = {
    chatRoomId: '1234567890'   // Chat room id
conn.destroyChatRoom(options).then((res) => {

Get chat room lists

Call the getChatRooms function to get chat room list, the example is as follows:

// List all chat rooms, support paging query 
let option = {
    pagenum: 1,                                 // Number of pages
    pagesize: 20                                // Number per page
conn.getChatRooms(option).then((res) => {

Get chat room details

Call the getChatRoomDetails function to get the chat room details, an example is as follows:

let options = {
    chatRoomId: 'chatRoomId'   // Chat room id
conn.getChatRoomDetails(options).then((res) => {

Change chat room details

Call the modifyChatRoom function to change the chat room details, an example is as follows:

let options = {
    chatRoomId: 'chatRoomId',     // Chat room id
    chatRoomName: 'chatRoomName', // Chat room name
    description: 'description',   // Chat room description
    maxusers: 200                 // Maximum number of chat rooms
conn.modifyChatRoom(options).then((res) => {

Join the chat room

Call joinChatRoom to join the chat room, an example is as follows:

let options = {
    roomId: 'roomId',   // Chat room id
    message: 'reason'   // Reason (optional parameter) 
conn.joinChatRoom(options).then((res) => {

Exit the chat room

Call quitChatRoom to exit the chat room, an example is as follows:

let options = {
    roomId: 'roomId' // Chat room id
conn.quitChatRoom(options).then((res) => {

Get chat room members

Call the listChatRoomMember tab to get the members of the chat room, an example is as follows:

let options = {
    pageNum: 1,
    pageSize: 10,
    chatRoomId: 'chatRoomId'
conn.listChatRoomMember(options).then((res) => {

Set up chat room manager

Call setChatRoomAdmi to set the chat room administrator, an example is as follows:

let options = {
    chatRoomId: 'chatRoomId', // Chat room id
    username: 'user1'         // User id 
conn.setChatRoomAdmin(options).then((res) => {

Remove chat room manager

Call removeChatRoomAdmin to remove the chat room administrator, an example is as follows:

let options = {
    chatRoomId: 'chatRoomId', // Chat room id
    username: 'user1'         // User id 
conn.removeChatRoomAdmin(options).then((res) => {

Get all managers in the chat room

Call getChatRoomAdmin to get all the administrators in the chat room, an example is as follows:

let options = {
    chatRoomId: 'chatRoomId'   // Chat room id
conn.getChatRoomAdmin(options).then((res) => {

Send message

SeeSend message

Chat room announcement

The chat room announcement management includes the following processing operations:

  • Upload/modify chat room announcements

  • Get chat room announcements

Examples of all the operations will be explained individually below.

Upload/modify chat room announcement

Call the updateChatRoomAnnouncement function to upload/modify the chat room announcement, an example is as follows:

let options = {
    roomId: 'roomId',                 // Chat room id   
    announcement: 'hello everyone'    // Announcement content                         
conn.updateChatRoomAnnouncement(options)then((res) => {

Get chat room announcements

Call the fetchChatRoomAnnouncement function to get the chat room announcement, an example is as follows:

var options = {
    roomId: 'roomId'            // Chat room id                         
conn.fetchChatRoomAnnouncement(options).then((res) => {

Chat room muted

Mute members

Call muteChatRoomMember to prohibit chat room users from speaking. An example is as follows:

let options = {
    chatRoomId: "chatRoomId", // Chat room id
    username: 'username',     // id of the banned chat room member
    muteDuration: -1000       // The duration of the ban, in ms. "-1000" means permanent 
conn.muteChatRoomMember(options).then((res) => {

Unmute members

Call removeMuteChatRoomMember to unmute chat room users, an example is as follows:

let options = {
    chatRoomId: "1000000000000", // Chat room id
    username: 'username'         // id of the banned chat room member
conn.removeMuteChatRoomMember(options).then((res) => {

Get all banned members of the chat room

Call getChatRoomMuted to get all banned members in the chat room, an example is as follows:

let options = {
    chatRoomId: "chatRoomId" // Chat room id
conn.getChatRoomMuted(options).then((res) => {

Turn on and off all mute

The owner and administrator can turn on and off the mute of all members.

// Mute all members in the chat room 
let options = {
    chatRoomId: "chatRoomId"  // Chat room id
conn.disableSendChatRoomMsg(options).then((res) => {

// Unmute all members in the chat room
conn.enableSendChatRoomMsg(options).then((res) => {

Whitelist management

Users can be added to the whitelist. The user whitelist will become effective once the administrator turns on all members’ mute, and the whitelist can run to allow the users on the list to send messages. In addition, the users on the whitelist can be removed. the users can check whether you are in the whitelist, and get the whitelist list.

// Add user to the whitelist
let options = {
    chatRoomId: "chatRoomId",   // Chat room id
    users: ["user1", "user2"]   // Member id list 

// Remove user from whitelist
let options = {
    chatRoomId: "chatRoomId",  // Group id 
    userName: "user"           // Member to be removed

// Get the list of whitelisted members from the server
let options = {
    chatRoomId: "chatRoomId"   // Chat room id

// Query whether a member is a whitelist user, operation authority: app admin can query all users; app user can query themselves 
let options = {
    chatRoomId: "chatRoomId", // Chat room id
    userName: "user"          // Member to be queried

Blacklist management

Blacklist management includes the following operations:

  • Add members to the group blacklist (single)

  • Add members to the group blacklist (bulk)

  • Remove members from group blacklist (single)

  • Remove members from group blacklist (bulk)

  • Get blacklist of chat rooms

Examples of all operations will be explained individually below.

Add members to the chat room blacklist (single)

Call chatRoomBlockSingle to add a single member to the chat room blacklist, an example is as follows:

let options = {
    chatRoomId: 'chatRoomId',       // Chat room id
    username: 'username'            // User name to be added to the blacklist 

Add members to the chat room blacklist (bulk)

Call chatRoomBlockMulti to add a batches of member to the chat room blacklist, an example is as follows:

let options = {
    chatRoomId: 'chatRoomId',          // Chat room id
    usernames: ['user1', 'user2']      // Array of user ids

Remove members from the chat room blacklist (single)

Call removeChatRoomBlockSingle to remove a single member from the chat room blacklist, an example is as follows:

let options = {
    chatRoomId: "chatRoomId",                     // Group id               
    username: "user"                              // Username that needs to be removed 

Remove members from the chat room blacklist (bulk)

Call removeChatRoomBlockMulti to remove members from the chat room blacklist in batches. An example is as follows:

let options = {
    chatRoomId: "chatRoomId",                      // Chat room id
    usernames: ["user1", "user2"]                  // Array of usernames to be removed 

Get blacklist of chat rooms

Call getChatRoomBlacklistNew to get the chat room blacklist, an example is as follows:

let options = {
    chatRoomId: "chatRoomId",                    // Chat room id

Receive and process messages

  • Group chat receive and process messages are the same as single chat;

  • The message body and the single chat message are distinguished according to the type of message;

  • Single chat: chat, group chat: groupchat, and chat room: chatroom;

  • according to the types of the messages, they will be processed differently.

Chat room event monitor

You can monitor chat room related events in the registered monitoring event onPresence:

  onPresence: function(msg){
    case 'rmChatRoomMute':
      // Release the one-click muting in chat rooms
    case 'muteChatRoom':
      // One-click muting in chat rooms 
    case 'rmUserFromChatRoomWhiteList':
      // Delete members from the chat room whitelist
    case 'addUserToChatRoomWhiteList':
      // Add members to chat room whitelist
    case 'deleteFile':
      // Delete chat room files
    case 'uploadFile':
      // Upload chat room files
    case 'deleteAnnouncement':
      // Delete chat room announcement
    case 'updateAnnouncement':
      // Update chat room announcement 
    case 'removeMute':
      // Unmute
    case 'addMute':
      // Mute
    case 'removeAdmin':
      // Remove admin
    case 'addAdmin':
      // Add admin
    case 'changeOwner':
      // Change the owner of the chat room
    case 'leaveChatRoom':
      // Leave the chat room
    case 'memberJoinChatRoomSuccess':
      // Join the chat room
    case 'leave':
      // Leave the group
    case 'join':
      // Join the group