Agora Web Chat SDK supports the integration of group’s functions. After integration, the following operations can be execute:
Group management
Group member management
Add group processing
Mute management
Blacklist management
Blacklist management
Though these operations, you can use any combinations to achieve IM requirements in a variety of scenarios.
Group management
Group management includes the following operations:
Get the list of groups that the user has joined
Paging access to the public group
Create group
Get group information
Edit group information
Remove member
Destroy group
Leave group
Examples of all the operations will be explained individually below.
Get the list of groups that the user has joined
Call the getGroup
function to get the list of all public groups joined by the currently logged-in user, an example is as follows:
// List all groups joined by the currently logged-in user
conn.getGroup().then((res) => {
Fetch public groups
Call the listGroups
function to page to obtain a list of all public groups in the APP, an example is as follows:
let limit = 20,
cursor = globalCursor;
let options = {
limit: limit, // Expected number of records per page
cursor: cursor, // cursor
conn.listGroups(options).then((res) => {
- cursor: If there is data in the next page, the API return value will include
this field, pass this field to get the data of the next page, the default value is
, when it isnull
, get the data of the first page
Create group
Call the createGroupNew
function to create a group, the sample code is as follows:
let options = {
data: {
groupname: 'groupName', // Group name
desc: 'group description', // Group description
members: ['user1', 'user2'], // Array of usernames
public: true, // When pub is true, it is created as a public group
approval: true, // If approval is true, adding a group requires approval; When it is false, adding a group does not require approval
allowinvites: allowInvites, // true: allow group members to invite people to join this group, false: only the group owner can add people to the group. Note that the public group (public: true) does not allow group members to invite others to join this group
inviteNeedConfirm: false // Invite to join the group, whether the invitee needs to be confirmed. true means that the invitee's consent is required to join the group
conn.createGroupNew(options).then((res) => {
- After the group is successfully created, the
function will be called in the callback functions
Get group information
Call getGroupInfo
to get group details according to the group id, an example is as follows:
let options = {
groupId: 'groupId' // Group id
conn.getGroupInfo(options).then((res) => {
Edit group information
Only the administrator of the group can modify the group name and group profile, call modifyGroup
to modify the group information, an example is as follows:
// Modify group information
let option = {
groupId: 'groupId',
groupName: 'ChangeTest', // Group name
description: 'Change group information test' // Group introduction
conn.modifyGroup(option).then((res) => {
- The ID of the group manager can be obtained when the group is obtained so that the front-end can decide whether to display the modify information button.
Remove group members
Only the administrator of the group can remove group members. Call removeSingleGroupMember
to remove group members. An example is as follows:
// Remove group members
let option = {
groupId: 'groupId',
username: 'username' // Group member name
conn.removeSingleGroupMember(option).then((res) => {
Destroy group
Only the administrator of the group has the rights to kick members out of the group;
All group members withdraw from the group after the group is destroyed.
Call dissolveGroup
to dissolve the group, an example is as follows:
// Destroy a group
let option = {
groupId: 'groupId'
conn.dissolveGroup(option).then((res) => {
- The ID of the group manager can be obtained when the group is obtained, so that the front end can decide whether to display the dismiss button.
Leave group
Group members can voluntarily exit the group, call quitGroup
to exit the group, an example is as follows:
// Members voluntarily withdraw from the group
let option = {
groupId: 'groupId'
conn.quitGroup(option).then((res) => {
Group member management
Group member management includes the following operations:
Query group members
Make a member as admin
Revoke the administrator
Get all administrators in the group
Examples of all the operations will be explained individually below.
Query group members
Call the listGroupMember
function to page to get all members of the current group, an example is as follows:
let pageNum = 1,
pageSize = 1000;
let options = {
pageNum: pageNum, // Page number
pageSize: pageSize, // Expected number of records per page
groupId: 'groupId'
conn.listGroupMember(options).then((res) => {
Group announcement management
Group announcement management includes the following operations:
Upload/modify group announcement
Get group announcement
Examples of all the operations will be explained individually below.
Upload/modify group announcement
Call the updateGroupAnnouncement function to upload/modify group announcements, an example is as follows:
let options = {
groupId: 'groupId', // Group id
announcement: 'announcement' // Announcement content
conn.updateGroupAnnouncement(options).then((res) => {
Get group announcement
Call the fetchGroupAnnouncement function to get the group announcement, an example is as follows:
let options = {
groupId: 'groupId' // Group id
conn.fetchGroupAnnouncement(options).then((res) => {
Group file management
Group file management includes the following operations:
Upload group file
Download group file
Delete group file
Get group file list
Examples of all the operations will be explained one by one below.
Upload group file
Call the uploadGroupSharedFile function to upload group files, an example is as follows:
let options = {
groupId: 'groupId', // Group id
file: file, // <input type="file"/> obtained file object
onFileUploadProgress: function(resp) {}, // Callback of upload progress
onFileUploadComplete: function(resp) {}, // Callback when upload is complete
onFileUploadError: function(e) {}, // Callback of failed upload
onFileUploadCanceled: function(e) {} // Upload cancel callback
Download group file
Call the downloadGroupSharedFile function to download the group file, an example is as follows:
let options = {
groupId: 'groupId', // Group id
fileId: 'fileId', // File id
onFileDownloadComplete: function(resp) {}, // Callback for successful download
onFileDownloadError: function(e) {}, // Download failed callback
Delete group file
Call the deleteGroupSharedFile function to delete the group file, an example is as follows:
let options = {
groupId: 'groupId', // Group id
fileId: 'fileId' // File id
conn.deleteGroupSharedFile(options)then((res) => {
Get group file list
Call the fetchGroupSharedFileList function to get the group file list, an example is as follows:
let options = {
groupId: 'groupId' // Group id
conn.fetchGroupSharedFileList(options).then((res) => {
Make a member as admin
Call setAdmin
to set members as administrators, an example is as follows:
let options = {
groupId: "groupId", // Group id
username: "user" // User name
conn.setAdmin(options).then((res) => {
Revoke the administrator
Call removeAdmin
to revoke the administrator, an example is as follows:
let options = {
groupId: "groupId", // Group id
username: "user" // User name
conn.removeAdmin(options).then((res) => {
Get all managers of the group
Call getGroupAdmin
to get all the administrators in the group, an example is as follows:
let options = {
groupId: "groupId" // Group id
conn.getGroupAdmin(options).then((res) => {
Add group processing
Add group includes the following operations:
Add friends to the group
Apply to join the group
Agree users to join the group
Deny users to join the group
Examples of all the operations will be explained indiviudally below.
Add friends to the group
The administrator can add friends to the group. Call inviteToGroup
to add friends to the group, an example is as follows:
let option = {
users: ['user1', 'user2'],
groupId: 'groupId'
conn.inviteToGroup(option).then((res) => {
Apply to the group to join the group
Call joinGroup
to send a group membership application to the group, an example is as follows:
let options = {
groupId: "groupId", // Group ID
message: "I am Tom" // Request message
conn.joinGroup(options).then((res) => {
Agree users to join the group
Only the administrator has the authority to approve the user’s request to join the group.
Call agreeJoinGroup
to agree to the user’s request to join the group, an example is as follows:
let options = {
applicant: 'userId', // Username for applying to join the group
groupId: 'groupId' // Group ID
conn.agreeJoinGroup(options).then((res) => {
Deny users to join the group
Only the administrator has the authority to reject the user’s request to join the group.
Call rejectJoinGroup
to reject the user’s request to join the group, an example is as follows:
let options = {
applicant: 'user', // Username for applying to join the group
groupId: 'groupId' // Group ID
conn.rejectJoinGroup(options).then((res) => {
Mute management
Mute management includes the following operations:
Mute members
Unmute members
Get banned members of the group
Examples of the erations will be explained one by one below.
Mute members
Call mute
to mute members, an example is as follows:
let options = {
username: "user", // Member username
muteDuration: 886400000, // The duration of the mute, in milliseconds
groupId: "groupId"
conn.mute(options).then((res) => {
Unmute members
Call removeMute
to unmute a member, an example is as follows:
let options = {
groupId: "groupId", // Group ID
username: "user" // Member username
conn.removeMute(options).then((res) => {
Get banned members of the group
Call getMuted
to get all banned members in the group, the example is as follows:
let options = {
groupId: "groupId" // Group ID
conn.getMuted(options).then((res) => {
Turn on and off all mute
The owner and administrator can turn on and off the mute of all members.
//Mute all members in the group
let options = {
groupId: "groupId", //Group id
conn.disableSendGroupMsg(options).then((res) => {
//Unmute all members in the group
conn.enableSendGroupMsg(options).then((res) => {
Whitelist management
Users can be added to the whitelist. The user whitelist will become effective once the administrator turns on all members’ mute, and the whitelist can run to allow the users on the list to send messages. In addition, the users on the whitelist can be removed. the users can check whether you are in the whitelist, and get the whitelist list.
//Add users to the whitelist
let options = {
groupId: "groupId", // Group id
users: ["user1", "user2"] // Member id list
//Remove user from whitelist
let options = {
groupId: "groupId", // Group id
userName: "user" // The member to be removed
//Get the list of whitelisted members from the server
let options = {
groupId: "groupId" // Group id
//Query whether group members are whitelisted users, operation authority: app admin can query all users; app user can query themselves
let options = {
groupId: "groupId", // Group id
userName: "user" // The member to be queried
Blacklist management
Blacklist management includes the following operations:
Add members to the group blacklist (single)
Add members to the group blacklist (bulk)
Remove members from group blacklist (single)
Remove members from group blacklist (bulk)
Get group blacklist
Examples of all the operations will be explained one by one below.
Add members to the group blacklist (single)
Call groupBlockSingle
to add a single member to the group blacklist, an example is as follows:
let options = {
groupId: 'groupId', // Group ID
username: 'username' // The user name to be added to the blacklist
conn.groupBlockSingle(options).then((res) => {
Add members to the group blacklist (bulk)
Call groupBlockMulti
to add members to the group blacklist in batches, an example is as follows:
let options = {
groupId: 'groupId', // GroupID
usernames: ['user1', 'user2', ...users] // Array of usernames to be added to the blacklist
conn.groupBlockMulti(options).then((res) => {
Remove members from group blacklist (single)
Call removeGroupBlockSingle
to remove a single member from the group blacklist, an example is as follows:
let options = {
groupId: "groupId", // Group ID
username: "user" // Username that needs to be removed
conn.removeGroupBlockSingle(options).then((res) => {
Remove members from group blacklist (bulk)
Call removeGroupBlockMulti
to remove members from the group blacklist in batches, an example is as follows:
let options = {
groupId: "groupId", // Group ID
username: ["user1", "user2"] // Array of usernames to be removed
conn.removeGroupBlockMulti(options).then((res) => {
Get group blacklist
Call getGroupBlacklistNew
to get the group blacklist, an example is as follows:
// Get group blacklist
let option = {
groupId: 'groupId',
conn.getGroupBlacklistNew(option).then((res) => {
Group event monitor
Group-related events can be monitored in the registered monitoring event onPresence:
onPresence: function(msg){
case 'rmGroupMute':
// Unblock group one-click muting
case 'muteGroup':
// Group one-click muting
case 'rmUserFromGroupWhiteList':
// Delete group whitelist member
case 'addUserToGroupWhiteList':
// Add group whitelist members
case 'deleteFile':
// Delete group file
case 'uploadFile':
// Upload group file
case 'deleteAnnouncement':
// Delete group announcement
case 'updateAnnouncement':
// Update group announcement
case 'removeMute':
// Unmute
case 'addMute':
// Mute
case 'removeAdmin':
// Remove manager
case 'addAdmin':
// Add manager
case 'changeOwner':
// Transfer group
case 'direct_joined':
// Pulled directly into the group
case 'leaveGroup':
// Exit group
case 'memberJoinPublicGroupSuccess':
// Successfully joined the public group
case 'removedFromGroup':
// Remove from group
case 'invite_decline':
// Decline to join group invitation
case 'invite_accept':
// Receive group invitation (group includes permissions)
case 'invite':
// Receive group invitation
case 'joinPublicGroupDeclined':
// Reject group application
case 'joinPublicGroupSuccess':
// Agree to join the group application
case 'joinGroupNotifications':
// Apply to join the group
case 'leave':
// Exit group
case 'join':
// Join group
case 'deleteGroupChat':
// Destroy the group
Group news
Group messages include the following operations:
Send message
Receiving and messages
All operations will be explained one by one below.
Send a message
See send message.
Receiving and processing messages
Group chat receiving and processing messages are the same as single chat;
The message body and the single chat message are distinguished according to the type of message;
Single chat: chat, group chat: groupchat, and chat room: chatroom;
According to the types of the messages, they will be processed differently.