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The export chat log interface is not a real-time interface, and there is a certain delay in getting success, so it cannot be used as a real-time pull message interface. The following APIs require enterprise administrator privileges to access.

Chat logs need to be exported using the Platform API, which can be tested online by using the Platform API embedded in the documentation for online testing.

Name Request Description
Get history message file /{org_name}/{app_name}/chatmessages/${time} A file that returns data based on the time range of the request, download to view

Get the history message file

The Platform API provided by Chat requires permission to access it, which is reflected by sending HTTP requests with a token The following describes how to get the token. Note: The API description uses {APP’s client_id} and other parameters need to be replaced with specific values.

**Important reminder: **When getting token, the server will return the token expiration date, refer to the expires_in field.

Due to network latency and other reasons, the system does not guarantee that the token If you find that the token is used abnormally, please get a new token, for example, “http response code” returns 401. In addition, please do not send frequent requests to the server to obtain token In addition, please do not send requests for token to the server too often, the same account will be blocked if you send this request more often.

This interface can only get one hour of history messages at a time.

The client_id and client_secret can be seen in the APP details page in the administrative backend of Chat .

HTTP Request

GET /{org_name}/{app_name}/chatmessages/${time}

You need to fill in the {time} corresponding to the time period you need to get in the request.

Request Headers

Parameter Description
Content-Type application/json
Authorization Bearer ${token}

Response Body

View the information contained in the data field in the return value

Parameter Description
url The address to download the chat log file

Request Example

curl -X GET -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Authorization: Bearer YWMtVVK6cPFqEeif2wnxtHDB7AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGL4CTw6XgR6LaXXVmNX4QCAgMAAAFnT6x89wBPGgCnBeC15W5VAU5kW2f80QS3_SQSnbEjyOtg8XCcmkvUXw' 'http://a1.easecdn.com/chat-demo/testapp/chatmessages/2018112717'

Examples of possible returned results

Returns a value of 200, indicating that the chat file download address was successfully returned

  "action": "get",
  "application": "8be024f0-e978-11e8-b697-5d598d5f8402",
  "uri": "http://a1.easecdn.com/chat-demo/testapp/chatmessages/2018112717",
  "data": [
      "url": "http://ebs-chatmessage-a1.easecdn.com/history/3D/chat-demo/testapp/2018112717.gz?Expires=1543316122&OSSAccessKeyId=LTAIlKPZStPokdA8&Signature=2oQHPpaOgrGcqggkmeXqovM%2FWd8%3D"
  "timestamp": 1543314322601,
  "duration": 0,
  "organization": "chat-demo",
  "applicationName": "testapp"

Note: the url has an expiration time, the Expires timestamp in the url is the expiration time (seconds), please download the chat file through the url in time, it will not be downloaded after the expiration, you need to call the "Get History Message File" interface again to get the new url.

Returns 400, indicating that the history to be obtained has expired and the history file to be obtained has not yet been generated

  "error": "illegal_argument",
  "timestamp": 1543312726441,
  "duration": 0,
  "exception": "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException",
  "error_description": "illegal arguments: appkey: chat-demo#testapp, time: 2018112717, maybe chat message history is expired or unstored"

Returns value 401, means unauthorized [no token, token error, token expired]

  "error": "unauthorized",
  "timestamp": 1543314417735,
  "duration": 0,
  "exception": "org.apache.shiro.authz.UnauthorizedException"

If the return result is 5xx , it may mean that the interface is flow-limited, please pause a little and retry. See Interface flow restriction description for details

Test online using Platform API


In rare cases, messages in the chat log may be recorded repeatedly.

The query time format is in 10-digit form (YYYYMMDDHH), for example, to query the history records from 7:00 to 8:00 on December 10, 2016, you need to enter 2016121007,7:00:00 messages will also be included in this file.

Because the history file takes some time to generate, it is recommended that users obtain the history with an hour interval, for example, after 09:00 of 2016/12/10, you can start downloading the message history of 2016/12/10 07:00 ~ 08:00.

The download address returned by the interface is valid for 30 minutes, and the server side saves 3 days of text messages and 7 days of file messages by default, please contact the business manager if you need to extend the storage time.

Chat Info supports exporting chat logs via the Platform API interface. If the export of chat logs is abnormal, it is possible that the interface has been restricted, so please pause a little and retry. See interface flow restriction description for details.

Chat log data structure

The description of the main fields of the chat log data format can be found in the returned data structure example

Parameter Description
msg_id Message ID
timestamp Message Delivery Time
from Sender username
to The username of the recipient or the ID of the receiving group
chat_type Used to determine whether it is a single chat, group chat, or chatroom. chat: single chat; groupchat: group chat; chatroom: chatroom
payload message bodies, different message types; message ext, custom extended attributes, etc.

Example of chat log return data format

    "msg_id": "5I02W-16-8278a", 
    "timestamp": 1403099033211, 
    "to": "1402541206787",
    "from": "zw123", 
    "chat_type": "chat", 
    "payload": {
        "bodies": [
             //The different message types are explained below
        "ext": {
            "key1": "value1", 

Text type messages

The bodies parameter of the above message corresponds to the text type message parameter description

Parameter Description
msg Message content
type "txt",text message type

Example of text type message format

"bodies": [ 
       "msg":"welcome to chat!",

Image type messages

Corresponding to the bodies parameter of the above message, the description of the parameters of the picture type message

Parameter Description
file_length size of the image attachment (in bytes)
filename "image.jpg",the name of the image with the image format
secret A string is returned after uploading an image, only if it contains secret can the image be downloaded
size the size of the image length and width
type "img",the type of the image message
url The address of the image upload message, which will return the UUID after successful upload

Example of image type message format

"bodies": [ 

Address location type messages

Corresponding to the bodies parameter of the above message, the geolocation type message parameter description

Parameter Description
addr "address" Description of the text content of the address to be sent
lat latitude
lng longitude
type "loc",location message type

Example of geographic location type message format

"bodies": [
       "addr":"Xibianmen Bridge, Xicheng District ",

Audio type messages

Corresponding to the bodies parameter of the above message, the audio type message parameter description

Parameter Description
file_length Audio attachment size (in bytes)
filename "audio.amr", audio file with file format
secret will return a string after uploading the audio, only contains secret can download this audio file
length audio time (in seconds)
type "audio",audio message type
url The address of the audio file to be uploaded, the UUID will be returned after successful upload

Audio type message format example

"bodies": [ 

Video type message

Corresponding to the bodies parameter of the above message, the video type message parameter description

Parameter Description
file_length Video attachment size (in bytes)
filename "video.mp4", video file with file format
secret Will return a string after uploading the video, only contains secret can download this video file
length The length of the video playback (in seconds)
size Video thumbnail length and width size
thumb The remote address of the video thumbnail that will be returned as a UUID after uploading the video thumbnail
thumb_secret The string to be returned after uploading the video thumbnail, only if it contains a secret can the video thumbnail be downloaded
type "video",video message type
url The address of the uploaded video, the UUID will be returned after a successful upload

Video type message format example

"bodies": [
       "file_length": 58103,
       "filename": "1418105136313.mp4",
       "length": 10,
       "secret": "VfEpSmSvEeS7yU8dwa9rAQc-DIL2HhmpujTNfSTsrDt6eNb_",
       "thumb": "https://a1.easecdn.com/chat-demo/chatdemoui/chatfiles/67279b20-7f69-11e4-8eee-21d3334b3a97",
       "thumb_secret": "ZyebKn9pEeSSfY03ROk7ND24zUf74s7HpPN1oMV-1JxN2O2I",
       "type": "video",
        "url": "https://a1.easecdn.com/chat-demo/chatdemoui/chatfiles/671dfe30-7f69-11e4-ba67-8fef0d502f46"

File type messages

Corresponding to the bodies parameter of the above message, the description of the file type message parameters

Parameter Description
file_length File size (in bytes)
filename "file.zip", file name with file format
secret After uploading a file, a string is returned and only the file containing secret can be downloaded
type "file",image message type
url The address of the uploaded file, and the UUID will be returned after a successful upload

Example of file type message format

"bodies": [ 