Edit me

Chat provides Platform API to manage groups in APP.

There is a limit on the number of groups created by a single APP, if you need to increase it, you can contact business to solve it according to your specific business.Only 500 groups can be joined by a single user ID

===== Group data structure =====

Field Name Type Description
id String Group ID, a unique identifier for the group, generated by the Chat server, equivalent to the Chat ID of a single user.
name String The name of the group, created based on user input, string type.
description String Group description, created based on user input, string type.
public Boolean Group type: true: public group, false: private group.
membersonly Boolean If or not the group owner or group administrator needs to approve to join the group. true: yes, false: no.
allowinvites Boolean Whether to allow group members to invite others to join this group. true: Allow group members to invite people to join the group, false: Only the group owner can add people to the group. Since only private groups allow group members to invite people to join the group, this parameter should be set to true when the group is private. The default is false.
maxusers Integer The maximum number of group members, set when creating the group, can be changed.
affiliations_count Integer The total number of existing members.
affiliations Array List of existing members, including owner and member. e.g.: "affiliations":[{"owner":"13800138001"},{"member":"v3y0kf9arx"},{"member":"xc6xrnbzci"}].
owner String The Chat letter ID of the group owner. e.g. {"owner":"13800138001"}.
member String The group member's Chat letter ID. e.g.{"member":"xc6xrnbzci"}.
invite_need_confirm Boolean Invite to join the group, if or not the invitee needs to confirm. If it is true, it means the invitee needs to be confirmed; if it is false, it means the invitee does not need to be confirmed, and the invitee will be added to the group directly. The default value of this field is true.
custom String The extended information of the group.
mute Boolean Indicates if the group is muted. true: yes, false: no.

Group Roles

In addition to group owner and general group members, the group administrator role is added.

Group role permission range: group owner > group administrator > normal group members

  • group owner has all the permissions of the group.
  • Group administrator has the permission to manage blacklist, mute, etc.
  • Group owner + administrator 100 in total, that is, the administrator can add up to 99

Platform API

The Platform APIs that are used in the IM group integration process The documentation is detailed and can be tested online by using the Platform API embedded in the documentation.

Manage Groups

Chat provides multiple interfaces to complete group-related integration, including the creation, acquisition, modification, deletion and other management functions for groups.

Name Request Description
Get all groups in the app (can be paginated) /{org_name}/{app_name}/chatgroups Get all groups under the app
Get all groups that a user is in /{app_name}/users/{username}/joined_chatgroups Get all groups that a user is in based on their name
Get group details /{org_name}/{app_name}/chatgroups/{group_ids} Get details of this group based on group ID
Create a group /{org_name}/{app_name}/chatgroups Create a new group
Modify group information /{org_name}/{app_name}/chatgroups/{group_id} Modify part of the group's information
Delete a group /{org_name}/{app_name}/chatgroups/{group_id} Delete a group

Get all the groups in the app (pagable)

Interface to get all the group information under the app in a paginated manner

HTTP Request

GET /{org_name}/{app_name}/chatgroups

Request Headers

Parameter Description
Content-Type application/json
Authorization Bearer ${token}

Response Body

View the information contained in the data field in the return value

Parameter Description
owner The Chat letter ID of the group owner. e.g.{"owner": "user1}.
groupid Group ID
affiliations Number of current group members
type "group" group type
last_modified timestamp of the last modification
groupname Group name
For the sorting of the returned data: for example, if we take 10 groups per page, the 10 groups on the first page will be created after the 10 on the second page. However, the 10 within the first page, are not ordered, and may be in disorder.

Request Example

First page

curl -X GET -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Authorization: Bearer YWMt4LqJIul7EeizhBO5TSO_UgAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGL4CTw6XgR6LaXXVmNX4QCAgMAAAFnG7GyAQBPGgDv4ENRUku7fg05Kev0a_aVC8NyA6O6PgpxIRjajSVN3g' 'http://a1.easecdn.com/chat-demo/testapp/chatgroups?limit=2'

Examples of possible returned results

Returns a value of 200, indicating that the acquisition of the group was successful

    "action": "get",
    "params": {
        "limit": [
    "uri": "https://a1.easecdn.com/chat-demo/testapp/chatgroups",
    "entities": [],
    "data": [
            "owner": "chat-demo#testapp_user1",
            "groupid": "100743775617286960",
            "affiliations": 2,
            "type": "group",
            "last_modified": "1441021038124",
            "groupname": "testgroup1"
            "owner": "chat-demo#testapp_user2",
            "groupid": "100973270123152176",
            "affiliations": 1,
            "type": "group",
            "last_modified": "1441074471486",
            "groupname": "testgroup2"
    "timestamp": 1441094193812,
    "duration": 14,
    "cursor": "Y2hhdGdyb3VwczplYXNlbW9iLWRlbW8vY2hhdGRlbW91aV8z",
    "count": 2

Return value 401, unauthorized [no token, token error, token expired ]

  "error": "group_authorization",
  "timestamp": 1542359035948,
  "duration": 0,
  "exception": "com.easemob.group.exception.GroupAuthorizationException",
  "error_description": "this token is bad, or has expired!"

Second page

curl -X GET -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Authorization: Bearer YWMt4LqJIul7EeizhBO5TSO_UgAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGL4CTw6XgR6LaXXVmNX4QCAgMAAAFnG7GyAQBPGgDv4ENRUku7fg05Kev0a_aVC8NyA6O6PgpxIRjajSVN3g' 'http://a1.easecdn.com/chat-demo/testapp/chatgroups?limit=2&cursor=ZGNiMjRmNGY1YjczYjlhYTNkYjk1MDY2YmEyNzFmODQ6aW06Z3JvdXA6ZWFzZW1vYi1kZW1vI3Rlc3RhcHA6Mg'

Examples of possible returned results

Returns a value of 200, indicating that the acquisition of the group was successful

  "action": "get",
  "application": "8be024f0-e978-11e8-b697-5d598d5f8402",
  "params": {
    "cursor": [
    "limit": [
  "uri": "http://a1.easecdn.com/chat-demo/testapp/chatgroups",
  "entities": [],
  "data": [
      "groupid": "66016467025921",
      "groupname": "testgroup2",
      "owner": "chat-demo#testapp_user2",
      "affiliations": 1,
      "lastModified": 1542356609540,
      "type": "group",
      "created": 1542356609540
      "groupid": "66016480657410",
      "groupname": "testgroup3",
      "owner": "chat-demo#testapp_user3",
      "affiliations": 1,
      "lastModified": 1542356622235,
      "type": "group",
      "created": 1542356622235
  "timestamp": 1542358693048,
  "duration": 0,
  "organization": "chat-demo",
  "applicationName": "testapp",
  "cursor": "ZGNiMjRmNGY1YjczYjlhYTNkYjk1MDY2YmEyNzFmODQ6aW06Z3JvdXA6ZWFzZW1vYi1kZW1vI3Rlc3RhcHA6Mw",
  "count": 2

Return value 401, unauthorized [no token, token error, token expired]

  "error": "group_authorization",
  "timestamp": 1542358868326,
  "duration": 0,
  "exception": "com.easemob.group.exception.GroupAuthorizationException",
  "error_description": "this token is bad, or has expired!"

If the return result is 429, 503 or other 5xx , it may mean that the interface is flow-limited, please pause a little and retry. See interface flow restriction instructions for details

Test online using Platform API

Get all groups that a user is a member of

Get all groups that a user has joined based on the user name interface

HTTP Request

GET /{org_name}/{app_name}/users/{username}/joined_chatgroups

You need to fill in the {username} corresponding to the IM username you need to get when requesting.

Request Headers

Parameter Description
Content-Type application/json
Authorization Bearer ${token}

Response Body

View the information contained in the data field in the return value

Parameter Description
groupid Group ID
groupname Group name

Request Example

curl -X GET -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Authorization: Bearer YWMt4LqJIul7EeizhBO5TSO_UgAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGL4CTw6XgR6LaXXVmNX4QCAgMAAAFnG7GyAQBPGgDv4ENRUku7fg05Kev0a_aVC8NyA6O6PgpxIRjajSVN3g' 'http://a1.easecdn.com/chat-demo/testapp/users/user1/joined_chatgroups'

Examples of possible returned results

Returns a value of 200, indicating that the acquisition of the group was successful

  "action": "get",
  "application": "8be024f0-e978-11e8-b697-5d598d5f8402",
  "uri": "http://a1.easecdn.com/chat-demo/testapp/users/user1/joined_chatgroups",
  "entities": [],
  "data": [
      "groupid": "66016455491585",
      "groupname": "testgroup1"
      "groupid": "66016467025921",
      "groupname": "testgroup2"
  "timestamp": 1542359565885,
  "duration": 1,
  "organization": "chat-demo",
  "applicationName": "testapp",
  "count": 2

Return value 404, this user does not exist

  "error": "resource_not_found",
  "timestamp": 1542359607100,
  "duration": 0,
  "exception": "com.easemob.group.exception.ResourceNotFoundException",
  "error_description": "username user20 doesn't exist!"

Return value 401, unauthorized [no token, token error, token expired]

  "error": "group_authorization",
  "timestamp": 1542359664255,
  "duration": 0,
  "exception": "com.easemob.group.exception.GroupAuthorizationException",
  "error_description": "this token is bad, or has expired!"

If the return result is 429, 503 or other 5xx , it may mean that the interface is flow-limited, please pause a little and retry. See interface flow restriction instructions for details

Test online using Platform API

Get group details

You can get the details of one or more groups. When fetching details of multiple groups, details of all existing groups will be returned, for non-existing groups, the response body returns “group id doesn’t exist”.

HTTP Request

GET {org_name}/{app_name}/chatgroups/{group_ids}

You need to fill in the request with {group_ids}, the group ID you need to get.

Request Headers

Parameter Description
Content-Type application/json
Authorization Bearer ${token}

Response Body

View the information contained in the data field in the return value

Parameter Description
id Group ID, a unique identifier for the group, generated by the Chat server, equivalent to the Chat user ID of a single user.
name The name of the group, created based on user input, string type.
description group description, created based on user input, string type.
membersonly Whether or not the group owner or group administrator needs to approve the group. true: yes, false: no.
allowinvites If or not allow group members to invite others to join this group. true: allow group members to invite people to join this group, false: only the group owner can add people to the group.
maxusers The maximum number of group members, set when creating the group, can be modified.
owner The ID of the group owner, for example: {"owner": "user1"}.
created timestamp of the group creation.
affiliations_count The total number of existing members.
affiliations List of existing members of affiliations, including owner and member. e.g."affiliations":[{"owner": "user1"},{"member":"user2"},{"member":"user3"}].
public group type: true: public group, false: private group.

Request example

curl -X GET -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Authorization: Bearer YWMt4LqJIul7EeizhBO5TSO_UgAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGL4CTw6XgR6LaXXVmNX4QCAgMAAAFnG7GyAQBPGgDv4ENRUku7fg05Kev0a_aVC8NyA6O6PgpxIRjajSVN3g' 'http://a1.easecdn.com/chat-demo/testapp/chatgroups/66016455491585'

Examples of possible returned results

Returns a value of 200, indicating success in getting group details

  "action": "get",
  "application": "8be024f0-e978-11e8-b697-5d598d5f8402",
  "uri": "http://a1.easecdn.com/chat-demo/testapp/chatgroups/66016455491585",
  "entities": [],
  "data": [
      "id": "66016455491585",
      "name": "testgroup1",
      "description": "testgroup1",
      "membersonly": false,
      "allowinvites": false,
      "maxusers": 200,
      "owner": "user1",
      "created": 1542356598609,
      "custom": "",
      "affiliations_count": 3,
      "affiliations": [
          "member": "user3"
          "member": "user2"
          "owner": "user1"
      "public": true
  "timestamp": 1542360200677,
  "duration": 0,
  "organization": "chat-demo",
  "applicationName": "testapp",
  "count": 1

Return value 404, means this group ID does not exist

  "error": "service_resource_not_found",
  "timestamp": 1542360292539,
  "duration": 0,
  "exception": "com.easemob.group.exception.ServiceResourceNotFoundException",
  "error_description": "do not find this group:6601645549158"

Return value 401, unauthorized [no token, token error, token expired]

  "error": "group_authorization",
  "timestamp": 1542360340446,
  "duration": 0,
  "exception": "com.easemob.group.exception.GroupAuthorizationException",
  "error_description": "this token is bad, or has expired!"

If the return result is 429, 503 or other 5xx , it may mean that the interface is flow-limited, please pause a little and retry. See interface flow restriction instructions for details

Test online using Platform API

Create a group

Create a group and set the group name, group description, public/private group properties, maximum number of group members (including the group owner), whether approval is required to join the public group, the group owner, and the group members.

HTTP Request

POST {org_name}/{app_name}/chatgroups

Request Headers

Parameter Description
Content-Type application/json
Authorization Bearer ${token}

Request Body

Parameter Description
groupname The name of the group, this attribute is required
desc group description, this attribute is required
public group
maxusers group
allowinvites Whether to allow group members to invite people to join the group. true: Allow group members to invite people to join this group, false: Only the group owner or administrator can add people to the group. Note: If it is a public group (public is true), it does not allow group members to invite others to join the group.
members_only whether the user needs to be approved by the group owner or group administrator, default is false. note: if the group member is allowed to invite users into the group (allowinvites is true), then the group owner or group administrator is not required to approve the group
owner The administrator of the group, this attribute is required
members group members, this attribute is optional, but if added, the array element is at least one, not more than 100 (note: group owner user1 does not need to write to members)

Response Body

View the information contained in the data field in the return value

Parameter Description
groupid Group ID

Request Example

curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Authorization: Bearer YWMt4LqJIul7EeizhBO5TSO_UgAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGL4CTw6XgR6LaXXVmNX4QCAgMAAAFnG7GyAQBPGgDv4ENRUku7fg05Kev0a_aVC8NyA6O6PgpxIRjajSVN3g' -d '{  
   "groupname": "testgroup",  
   "desc": "test",  
   "public": true,  
   "maxusers": 300,  
   "owner": "testuser",  
   "members": [  
 }' 'http://a1.easecdn.com/chat-demo/testapp/chatgroups'

Examples of possible returned results

Returns a value of 200, indicating that the group was created successfully

  "action": "post",
  "application": "8be024f0-e978-11e8-b697-5d598d5f8402",
  "uri": "http://a1.easecdn.com/chat-demo/testapp/chatgroups",
  "entities": [],
  "data": {
    "groupid": "66021836783617"
  "timestamp": 1542361730243,
  "duration": 0,
  "organization": "chat-demo",
  "applicationName": "testapp"

Return value 404, owner user does not exist

  "error": "resource_not_found",
  "timestamp": 1542361812517,
  "duration": 0,
  "exception": "com.easemob.group.exception.ResourceNotFoundException",
  "error_description": "username tesuser doesn't exist!"

Return value 401, unauthorized [no token, token error, token expired]

  "error": "resource_not_found",
  "timestamp": 1542361812517,
  "duration": 0,
  "exception": "com.easemob.group.exception.ResourceNotFoundException",
  "error_description": "username tesuser doesn't exist!"

If the return result is 429, 503 or other 5xx , it may mean that the interface is flow-limited, please pause a little and retry. See interface flow restriction instructions for details

Test online using Platform API

Modifying group information

The request body only receives

groupname, description, maxusers, membersonly four attributes,

passing non-existent fields or fields that cannot be modified will throw an exception.

HTTP Request

PUT /{org_name}/{app_name}/chatgroups/{group_id}

You need to fill in {group_id}, the group ID to be modified, when you request it.

Request Headers

Parameter Description
Content-Type application/json
Authorization Bearer ${token}

Request Body

Parameter Description
groupname The name of the group, the value cannot contain a slash ("/") when modifying
description group description, the value cannot contain a slash ("/")
maxusers The maximum number of group members (including the group owner), the value is a numeric value
membersonly If or not the group owner or group administrator needs to approve the group membership. true: yes, false: no.
allowinvites Whether to allow group members to invite people to join this group. true: allow group members to invite people to join this group. false: only the group owner can add people to the group.

Response Body

View the information contained in the data field in the return value

Parameter Description
groupname The name of the group, true means success, false means failure.
description The group description, true means the modification was successful, false means the modification failed.
maxusers The maximum number of group members, true indicates a successful modification, false indicates a failed modification.
membersonly If or not the group owner or group administrator needs to approve the group membership. true: yes, false: no.
allowinvites Whether to allow group members to invite people to join this group. true: allow group members to invite people to join this group. false: only the group owner can add people to the group.

Request example

curl -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Authorization: Bearer YWMt4LqJIul7EeizhBO5TSO_UgAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGL4CTw6XgR6LaXXVmNX4QCAgMAAAFnG7GyAQBPGgDv4ENRUku7fg05Kev0a_aVC8NyA6O6PgpxIRjajSVN3g' -d '{  
   "groupname": "testgroup1",  
   "description": "test",  
   "maxusers": 300,
   "membersonly": true,
   "allowinvites": true
 }' 'http://a1.easecdn.com/chat-demo/testapp/chatgroups/66021836783617'

Examples of possible returned results

Returns a value of 200, indicating that the group information was modified successfully

  "action": "put",
  "application": "8be024f0-e978-11e8-b697-5d598d5f8402",
  "uri": "http://a1.easecdn.com/chat-demo/testapp/chatgroups/66021836783617",
  "entities": [],
  "data": {
    "membersonly": true,
    "allowinvites": true,
    "description": true,
    "maxusers": true,
    "groupname": true
  "timestamp": 1542363146301,
  "duration": 0,
  "organization": "chat-demo",
  "applicationName": "testapp"

Return value 404, group ID does not exist

  "error": "resource_not_found",
  "timestamp": 1542363205192,
  "duration": 0,
  "exception": "com.easemob.group.exception.ResourceNotFoundException",
  "error_description": "grpID 6602183678361 does not exist!"

Return value 401, unauthorized [no token, token error, token expired]

  "error": "group_authorization",
  "timestamp": 1542363254128,
  "duration": 0,
  "exception": "com.easemob.group.exception.GroupAuthorizationException",
  "error_description": "this token is bad, or has expired!"

If the return result is 429, 503 or other 5xx , it may mean that the interface is flow-limited, please pause a little and retry. See interface flow restriction instructions for details

Test online using Platform API

Deleting a group

Deletes the interface of a group.

HTTP Request

DELETE /{org_name}/{app_name}/chatgroups/{group_id}

You need to fill in the {group_id} corresponding to the group ID that needs to be deleted in the request.

Request Headers

Parameter Description
Content-Type application/json
Authorization Bearer ${token}

Request Example

curl -X DELETE -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Authorization: Bearer YWMt4LqJIul7EeizhBO5TSO_UgAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGL4CTw6XgR6LaXXVmNX4QCAgMAAAFnG7GyAQBPGgDv4ENRUku7fg05Kev0a_aVC8NyA6O6PgpxIRjajSVN3g' 'http://a1.easecdn.com/chat-demo/testapp/chatgroups/66021836783617'

Examples of possible returned results

Returns a value of 200, indicating that the group deletion was successful

  "action": "delete",
  "application": "8be024f0-e978-11e8-b697-5d598d5f8402",
  "uri": "http://a1.easecdn.com/chat-demo/testapp/chatgroups/66021836783617",
  "entities": [],
  "data": {
    "success": true,
    "groupid": "66021836783617"
  "timestamp": 1542363546590,
  "duration": 0,
  "organization": "chat-demo",
  "applicationName": "testapp"

Return value 404, group ID does not exist

  "error": "resource_not_found",
  "timestamp": 1542363611915,
  "duration": 0,
  "exception": "com.easemob.group.exception.ResourceNotFoundException",
  "error_description": "grpID 6602183678361 does not exist!"

Return value 401, unauthorized [no token, token error, token expired]

  "error": "group_authorization",
  "timestamp": 1542363640975,
  "duration": 0,
  "exception": "com.easemob.group.exception.GroupAuthorizationException",
  "error_description": "this token is bad, or has expired!"

If the return result is 429, 503 or other 5xx , it may mean that the interface is flow-limited, please pause a little and retry. See interface flow restriction instructions for details

Test online using Platform API

Get group announcements

Get group announcements for the specified group id

HTTP Request

GET /{org_name}/{app_name}/chatgroups/{group_id}/announcement

You need to fill in {group_id} when requesting, you need to get the group ID of the group announcement.

Request Headers

Parameter Description
Content-Type application/json
Authorization Bearer ${token}

Request Example

curl -X GET -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Authorization: Bearer YWMt4LqJIul7EeizhBO5TSO_UgAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGL4CTw6XgR6LaXXVmNX4QCAgMAAAFnG7GyAQBPGgDv4ENRUku7fg05Kev0a_aVC8NyA6O6PgpxIRjajSVN3g' 'http://a1.easecdn.com/chat-demo/testapp/chatgroups/66021836783617/announcement'

Examples of possible returned results

Returns a value of 200, indicating that getting the group announcement was successful

  "action": "get",
  "application": "8be024f0-e978-11e8-b697-5d598d5f8402",
  "uri": "http://a1.easecdn.com/chat-demo/testapp/chatgroups/66021836783617/announcement",
  "entities": [],
  "data": {
    "announcement" : "Group Announcement..."
  "timestamp": 1542363546590,
  "duration": 0,
  "organization": "chat-demo",
  "applicationName": "testapp"

Return value 404, group ID does not exist

  "error": "resource_not_found",
  "timestamp": 1542363611915,
  "duration": 0,
  "exception": "com.easemob.group.exception.ResourceNotFoundException",
  "error_description": "grpID 6602183678361 does not exist!"

Return value 401, unauthorized [no token, token error, token expired]

  "error": "group_authorization",
  "timestamp": 1542363640975,
  "duration": 0,
  "exception": "com.easemob.group.exception.GroupAuthorizationException",
  "error_description": "this token is bad, or has expired!"

If the return result is 429, 503 or other 5xx , it may mean that the interface is flow-limited, please pause a little and retry. See interface flow restriction instructions for details

Test online using Platform API

Modify group announcement

Modify the group announcement for the specified group id, note that the content of the group announcement cannot exceed 512 characters.

HTTP Request

POST /{org_name}/{app_name}/chatgroups/{group_id}/announcement

You need to fill in the {group_id} when requesting the group ID of the group announcement that needs to be modified.

Request Headers

Parameter Description
Content-Type application/json
Authorization Bearer ${token}

Request Example

curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Authorization: Bearer YWMt4LqJIul7EeizhBO5TSO_UgAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGL4CTw6XgR6LaXXVmNX4QCAgMAAAFnG7GyAQBPGgDv4ENRUku7fg05Kev0a_aVC8NyA6O6PgpxIRjajSVN3g' -d '{"announcement" : "Group Announcement…"}' 'http://a1.easecdn.com/chat-demo/testapp/chatgroups/66021836783617/announcement'

Examples of possible returned results

Returns a value of 200, indicating that the group announcement was modified successfully

  "action": "post",
  "application": "8be024f0-e978-11e8-b697-5d598d5f8402",
  "uri": "http://a1.easecdn.com/chat-demo/testapp/chatgroups/66021836783617/announcement",
  "entities": [],
  "data": {
    "id" : "66021836783617",
    "result" : true
  "timestamp": 1542363546590,
  "duration": 0,
  "organization": "chat-demo",
  "applicationName": "testapp"

Return value 404, group ID does not exist

  "error": "resource_not_found",
  "timestamp": 1542363611915,
  "duration": 0,
  "exception": "com.easemob.group.exception.ResourceNotFoundException",
  "error_description": "grpID 6602183678361 does not exist!"

Return value 401, unauthorized [no token, token error, token expired]

  "error": "group_authorization",
  "timestamp": 1542363640975,
  "duration": 0,
  "exception": "com.easemob.group.exception.GroupAuthorizationException",
  "error_description": "this token is bad, or has expired!"

If the return result is 429, 503 or other 5xx , it may mean that the interface is flow-limited, please pause a little and retry. See interface flow restriction instructions for details

Test online using Platform API

Get group shared files

Paging gets the group shared file with the specified group id, after which you can call download group shared file interface to download the file, call delete group shared file interface to delete the file.

HTTP Request

GET /{org_name}/{app_name}/chatgroups/{group_id}/share_files

You need to fill in {group_id} when requesting to get the group ID of the group shared file. By default, you can get the group ID from page 1, and you can get up to 1000 items in 1 page.

Pagination {org_name}/{app_name}/chatgroups/{group_id}/share_files?pagenum=1&pagesize=10

Request Headers

Parameter Description
Content-Type application/json
Authorization Bearer ${token}

Response Body

View the information contained in the data field in the return value

Parameter Description
file_id The id of the group share file, which is used if the file is to be downloaded
file_name The name of the group share file
file_owner The id of the user who uploaded the group share file
file_size The size of the group share file (in bytes)
created Time when the group share file was uploaded

Example request

curl -X GET -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Authorization: Bearer YWMt4LqJIul7EeizhBO5TSO_UgAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGL4CTw6XgR6LaXXVmNX4QCAgMAAAFnG7GyAQBPGgDv4ENRUku7fg05Kev0a_aVC8NyA6O6PgpxIRjajSVN3g' 'http://a1.easecdn.com/chat-demo/testapp/chatgroups/66021836783617/share_files?pagenum=1&pagesize=10'

Examples of possible returned results

Returns a value of 200, indicating that getting the group share file was successful

  "action": "get",
  "application": "8be024f0-e978-11e8-b697-5d598d5f8402",
  "params": {
        "pagesize": [
        "pagenum": [
  "uri": "http://a1.easecdn.com/chat-demo/testapp/chatgroups/66021836783617/share_files",
  "entities": [],
  "data": [
            "file_id": "dbd88d20-e1d4-11ea-95fc-638fc2d59a8d",
            "file_name": "159781149272586.jpg",
            "file_owner": "u1",
            "file_size": 326127,
            "created": 1597811492594
            "file_id": "b30e0be0-e1d4-11ea-8732-172a3f85134f",
            "file_name": "159781141836993.jpg",
            "file_owner": "u1",
            "file_size": 326127,
            "created": 1597811424158
  "timestamp": 1542363546590,
  "duration": 0,
  "organization": "chat-demo",
  "applicationName": "testapp"

Return value 404, group ID does not exist

  "error": "resource_not_found",
  "timestamp": 1542363611915,
  "duration": 0,
  "exception": "com.easemob.group.exception.ResourceNotFoundException",
  "error_description": "grpID 6602183678361 does not exist!"

Return value 401, unauthorized [no token, token error, token expired]

  "error": "group_authorization",
  "timestamp": 1542363640975,
  "duration": 0,
  "exception": "com.easemob.group.exception.GroupAuthorizationException",
  "error_description": "this token is bad, or has expired!"

If the return result is 429, 503 or other 5xx , it may mean that the interface is flow-limited, please pause a little and retry. See interface flow restriction instructions for details

Test online using Platform API

Upload group shared files

Upload the group share file for the specified group id. Note that the uploaded file size cannot exceed 10MB

HTTP Request

POST /{org_name}/{app_name}/chatgroups/{group_id}/share_files

You need to fill in {group_id} when requesting, the group ID of the group you need to upload the shared files.

Request Headers

Parameter Description
Content-Type application/json
Authorization Bearer ${token}

Response Body

View the information contained in the data field in the return value

Parameter Description
file_url The url of the group's shared file, as saved on the Chat server
group_id Group id
file_name The name of the group share file
created Time when the group share file was uploaded
file_id The id of the group share file, which can be used to download the share file and delete the share file
file_size The size of the group share file (in bytes)

Request Example

curl -X POST 'http://a1.easecdn.com/chat-demo/testapp/chatgroups/66021836783617/share_files' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Authorization: Bearer YWMt4LqJIul7EeizhBO5TSO_UgAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGL4CTw6XgR6LaXXVmNX4QCAgMAAAFnG7GyAQBPGgDv4ENRUku7fg05Kev0a_aVC8NyA6O6PgpxIRjajSVN3g' -H 'content-type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW' -H 'restrict-access: true' -F file=@/Users/test/image/IMG_3.JPG

Examples of possible returned results

Returns a value of 200 for uploading a group shared file


  "action" : "post",
  "application" : "7f7b5180-3f2b-11e5-9558-092397c841ef",
  "uri" : "http://a1.easecdn.com/chat-demo/testapp/chatgroups/66021836783617/share_files",
  "entities" : [ ],
  "data" : {
    "file_url" : "https://a1.easecdn.com/chat-demo/testapp/chatgroups/66021836783617/share_files/c6906aa0-ed19-11ea-b480-f3cf141d15c0",
    "group_id" : "66021836783617",
    "file_name" : "img_3.jpg",
    "created" : 1599050554954,
    "file_id" : "c6906aa0-ed19-11ea-b480-f3cf141d15c0",
    "file_size" : 13512
  "timestamp" : 1599050554978,
  "duration" : 0,
  "organization" : "chat-demo",
  "applicationName" : "testapp"

Return value 404, group ID does not exist

  "error": "resource_not_found",
  "timestamp": 1542363611915,
  "duration": 0,
  "exception": "com.easemob.group.exception.ResourceNotFoundException",
  "error_description": "grpID 6602183678361 does not exist!"

Return value 401, unauthorized [no token, token error, token expired]

  "error": "group_authorization",
  "timestamp": 1542363640975,
  "duration": 0,
  "exception": "com.easemob.group.exception.GroupAuthorizationException",
  "error_description": "this token is bad, or has expired!"

If the return result is 429, 503 or other 5xx , it may mean that the interface is flow-limited, please pause a little and retry. See interface flow restriction instructions for details

Test online using Platform API

Download group shared files

Download the group share file according to the specified group id and file_id. file_id is obtained by Get group share file interface

HTTP Request

GET /{org_name}/{app_name}/chatgroups/{group_id}/share_files/{file_id}

You need to fill in {group_id} and {file_id} when requesting a group share file, the group ID and group share file ID of the group you need to download. ID and group share file ID.

Request Headers

Parameter Description
Content-Type application/json
Authorization Bearer ${token}

Request Example

curl -X GET -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Authorization: Bearer YWMt4LqJIul7EeizhBO5TSO_UgAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGL4CTw6XgR6LaXXVmNX4QCAgMAAAFnG7GyAQBPGgDv4ENRUku7fg05Kev0a_aVC8NyA6O6PgpxIRjajSVN3g' 'http://a1.easecdn.com/chat-demo/testapp/chatgroups/66021836783617/share_files/b30e0be0-e1d4-11ea-8732-172a3f85134f'

Examples of possible returned results

Returns 200, the download of the group share file was successful, the byte stream of the downloaded file is returned

Returns 404, the group share file ID does not exist

  "error": "not_found",
  "timestamp": 1542363611915,
  "duration": 0,
  "exception": "com.sun.jersey.api.NotFoundException",
  "error_description": "null for uri: http://a1.easecdn.com/chat-demo/testapp/chatgroups/66021836783617/share_files/1b30e0be0-e1d4-11ea-8732-172a3f85134f"

Return value 401, unauthorized [no token, token error, token expired]

  "error": "group_authorization",
  "timestamp": 1542363640975,
  "duration": 0,
  "exception": "com.easemob.group.exception.GroupAuthorizationException",
  "error_description": "this token is bad, or has expired!"

If the return result is 429, 503 or other 5xx , it may mean that the interface is flow-limited, please pause a little and retry. See interface flow restriction instructions for details

Test online using Platform API

Delete group shared files

Delete a group share file based on the specified group id and file_id. file_id is obtained by Get group shared files interface

HTTP Request

DELETE /{org_name}/{app_name}/chatgroups/{group_id}/share_files/{file_id}

You need to fill in the {group_id} and {file_id} when requesting, the group ID and group shared file ID of the group that needs to be deleted.

Request Headers

Parameter Description
Content-Type application/json
Authorization Bearer ${token}

Response Body

View the information contained in the data field in the return value

Parameter Description
group_id group_id
file_id Group share file id
result The result of deleting a group shared file, true means the deletion was successful, false means the deletion failed
curl -X DELETE -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Authorization: Bearer YWMt4LqJIul7EeizhBO5TSO_UgAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGL4CTw6XgR6LaXXVmNX4QCAgMAAAFnG7GyAQBPGgDv4ENRUku7fg05Kev0a_aVC8NyA6O6PgpxIRjajSVN3g' 'http://a1.easecdn.com/chat-demo/testapp/chatgroups/66021836783617/share_files/b30e0be0-e1d4-11ea-8732-172a3f85134f'

Examples of possible returned results

Returns a value of 200, indicating deletion of the group shared file

  "action": "delete",
  "application": "8be024f0-e978-11e8-b697-5d598d5f8402",
  "uri": "http://a1.easecdn.com/chat-demo/testapp/chatgroups/66021836783617/share_files/b30e0be0-e1d4-11ea-8732-172a3f85134f",
  "entities": [],
  "data": {
      "group_id": "66021836783617",
      "file_id": "b30e0be0-e1d4-11ea-8732-172a3f85134f",
      "result": true
  "timestamp": 1599049350114,
  "duration": 0,
  "organization": "chat-demo",
  "applicationName": "testapp"

Return value 404, group share file ID does not exist

  "error": "not_found",
  "timestamp": 1542363611915,
  "duration": 0,
  "exception": "com.sun.jersey.api.NotFoundException",
  "error_description": "null for uri: http://a1.easecdn.com/chat-demo/testapp/chatgroups/66021836783617/share_files/1b30e0be0-e1d4-11ea-8732-172a3f85134f"

Return value 401, unauthorized [no token, token error, token expired]

  "error": "group_authorization",
  "timestamp": 1542363640975,
  "duration": 0,
  "exception": "com.easemob.group.exception.GroupAuthorizationException",
  "error_description": "this token is bad, or has expired!"

If the return result is 429, 503 or other 5xx , it may mean that the interface is flow-limited, please pause a little and retry. See interface flow restriction instructions for details

Test online using Platform API

Manage group members

Chat provides several interfaces to manage group members, including adding and removing group member relationship lists, transferring group owners, etc.

Name Request Description
Paging for group members /{org_name}/{app_name}/chatgroups/{group_id}/users Paging for a list of group members of a group
Add a single group member /{org_name}/{app_name}/chatgroups/{group_id}/users/{username} Add users to the group member list
Add group members' /{org_name}/{app_name}/chatgroups/{chatgroupid}/users Add users' to the group members list
Remove a single group member /{org_name}/{app_name}/chatgroups/{group_id}/users/{usernames} Remove a user from the list of group members
Remove group members' /{org_name}/{app_name}/chatgroups/{group_id}/users/{usernames} Remove users' from the list of group members
Get the list of group administrators /{org_name}/{app_name}/chatgroups/{group_id}/admin Get the list of group administrators
Add group admins /{org_name}/{app_name}/chatgroups/{group_id}/admin Add users to the group admin list
Remove group admin /{org_name}/{app_name}/chatgroups/{group_id}/admin/{oldadmin} Remove user from group admin list
Transfer group /{org_name}/{app_name}/chatgroups/{groupid} Transfer group owner

Paging group members

Interface to paginate the list of group members.

HTTP Request

GET /{org_name}/{app_name}/chatgroups/{group_id}/users

You need to fill in {group_id}, the group ID you need to get, when requesting.

Request Headers

Parameter Description
Content-Type application/json
Authorization Bearer ${token}

Response Body

View the information contained in the data field in the return value.

Parameter Description
owner The Chat user ID of the group owner. e.g. {"owner": "user1"}.
member The Chat letter ID of the group member. e.g. {"member": "user2"}.

Request Example

curl -X GET 'HTTP://a1.easecdn.com/chat-demo/testapp/chatgroups/10130212061185/users?pagenum=2&pagesize=2' -H 'Authorization: Bearer YWMtG4T5wkOTEeST5V-9lp7f-wAAAUnafsqrQFnCU4gI0-rQImw4523fWqIasd1'

Examples of possible returned results

Returns a value of 200, indicating successful group membership acquisition

      "action": "get",
      "application": "527cd7e0-04b3-11e7-9f59-ef10ecd81ff0",
      "params": {
        "pagesize": [
        "pagenum": [
      "uri": "http://a1.easecdn.com/chat-demo/testapp/chatgroups/10130212061185/users",
      "entities": [],
      "data": [
          "member": "user1"
          "member": "user2"
      "timestamp": 1489074511416,
      "duration": 0,
      "organization": "chat-demo",
      "applicationName": "testapp",
      "count": 2

Return value 404, group ID does not exist

  "error": "service_resource_not_found",
  "timestamp": 1542364673829,
  "duration": 0,
  "exception": "com.easemob.group.exception.ServiceResourceNotFoundException",
  "error_description": "do not find this group:66016455491581"

Return value 401, unauthorized [no token, token error, token expired]

  "error": "group_authorization",
  "timestamp": 1542364697076,
  "duration": 0,
  "exception": "com.easemob.group.exception.GroupAuthorizationException",
  "error_description": "this token is bad, or has expired!"

If the return result is 429, 503 or other 5xx , it may mean that the interface is flow-limited, please pause a little and retry. See interface flow restriction instructions for details

Test online using Platform API

Add a single group member

Add one member to a group at a time, and do not add the same member repeatedly. If the user is already a member of the group, the addition will fail and an error will be returned.

HTTP Request

POST /{org_name}/{app_name}/chatgroups/{group_id}/users/{username}

You need to fill in the {username} corresponding to the IM username you need to add when requesting.

Request Headers

Parameter Description
Content-Type application/json
Authorization Bearer ${token}

Response Body

View the information contained in the data field in the return value.

Parameter Description
result The result of the add, true means the add was successful, false means the add failed
groupid Group ID
action The action performed
user The ID of the user being added

Request example

curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Authorization: Bearer YWMt4LqJIul7EeizhBO5TSO_UgAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGL4CTw6XgR6LaXXVmNX4QCAgMAAAFnG7GyAQBPGgDv4ENRUku7fg05Kev0a_aVC8NyA6O6PgpxIRjajSVN3g' 'http://a1.easecdn.com/chat-demo/testapp/chatgroups/66016455491585/users/user4'

Examples of possible returned results

Returns a value of 200, indicating that adding a group member was successful

  "action": "post",
  "application": "8be024f0-e978-11e8-b697-5d598d5f8402",
  "uri": "http://a1.easecdn.com/chat-demo/testapp/chatgroups/66016455491585/users/user4",
  "entities": [],
  "data": {
    "result": true,
    "groupid": "66016455491585",
    "action": "add_member",
    "user": "user4"
  "timestamp": 1542364958405,
  "duration": 0,
  "organization": "chat-demo",
  "applicationName": "testapp"

Return value 404, the group id or the person added does not exist

  "error": "resource_not_found",
  "timestamp": 1542365038436,
  "duration": 0,
  "exception": "com.easemob.group.exception.ResourceNotFoundException",
  "error_description": "username user8 doesn't exist!"

Return value 401, unauthorized [no token, token error, token expired]

  "error": "group_authorization",
  "timestamp": 1542365096789,
  "duration": 0,
  "exception": "com.easemob.group.exception.GroupAuthorizationException",
  "error_description": "this token is bad, or has expired!"

If the return result is 429, 503 or other 5xx , it may mean that the interface is flow-limited, please pause a little and retry. See interface flow restriction instructions for details

Test online using Platform API

Add group members’

Add multiple members to a group, up to 60 members can be added at a time. If all users are already members of the group, the addition will fail and an error will be returned.

HTTP Request

POST /{org_name}/{app_name}/chatgroups/{chatgroupid}/users

You need to fill in the {chatgroupid} corresponding to the group ID you need to add when requesting.

Request Headers

Parameter Description
Content-Type application/json
Authorization Bearer ${token}

Request Body

Parameter Description
usernames username1/username2 Username of the member to be added to the group

Response Body

View the information contained in the data field in the return value.

Parameter Description
newmembers Added group member ID
groupid Group ID
action The action to be performed

Request example

curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Authorization: Bearer YWMt4LqJIul7EeizhBO5TSO_UgAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGL4CTw6XgR6LaXXVmNX4QCAgMAAAFnG7GyAQBPGgDv4ENRUku7fg05Kev0a_aVC8NyA6O6PgpxIRjajSVN3g' -d '{  
   "usernames": [  
 }' 'http://a1.easecdn.com/chat-demo/testapp/chatgroups/66016455491585/users'

Examples of possible returned results

Returns a value of 200, indicating that adding a group member was successful

  "action": "post",
  "application": "8be024f0-e978-11e8-b697-5d598d5f8402",
  "uri": "http://a1.easecdn.com/chat-demo/testapp/chatgroups/66016455491585/users",
  "entities": [],
  "data": {
    "newmembers": [
    "groupid": "66016455491585",
    "action": "add_member"
  "timestamp": 1542365557942,
  "duration": 0,
  "organization": "chat-demo",
  "applicationName": "testapp"

Returns 404, this group ID or the person being added does not exist

  "error": "resource_not_found",
  "timestamp": 1542365626633,
  "duration": 0,
  "exception": "com.easemob.group.exception.ResourceNotFoundException",
  "error_description": "grpID 6601645549158 does not exist!"

Return value 401, unauthorized [no token, token error, token expired]

  "error": "group_authorization",
  "timestamp": 1542365740570,
  "duration": 0,
  "exception": "com.easemob.group.exception.GroupAuthorizationException",
  "error_description": "this token is bad, or has expired!"

If the return result is 429, 503 or other 5xx , it may mean that the interface is flow-limited, please pause a little and retry. See interface flow restriction instructions for details

Test online using Platform API

Remove a single group member

Removes a member from a group. If the removed user is not a member of the group, the removal will fail and an error will be returned.

HTTP Request

DELETE /{org_name}/{app_name}/chatgroups/{group_id}/users/{username}

You need to fill in the {username} corresponding to the IM username that needs to be removed during the request.

Request Headers

Parameter Description
Content-Type application/json
Authorization Bearer ${token}

Response Body

View the information contained in the data field in the return value.

Parameter Description
result Remove result, true means add successful, false means add failed
groupid Group ID
action The action performed
user The ID of the removed user

Request example

curl -X DELETE -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Authorization: Bearer YWMt4LqJIul7EeizhBO5TSO_UgAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGL4CTw6XgR6LaXXVmNX4QCAgMAAAFnG7GyAQBPGgDv4ENRUku7fg05Kev0a_aVC8NyA6O6PgpxIRjajSVN3g' 'http://a1.easecdn.com/chat-demo/testapp/chatgroups/66016455491585/users/user3'

Examples of possible returned results

Returns a value of 200, indicating successful group member removal

  "action": "delete",
  "application": "8be024f0-e978-11e8-b697-5d598d5f8402",
  "uri": "http://a1.easecdn.com/chat-demo/testapp/chatgroups/66016455491585/users/user3",
  "entities": [],
  "data": {
    "result": true,
    "action": "remove_member",
    "user": "user3", 
    "groupid": "66016455491585"
  "timestamp": 1542365943067,
  "duration": 0,
  "organization": "chat-demo",
  "applicationName": "testapp"

Returns value 403, the member is not in this group

  "error": "forbidden_op",
  "timestamp": 1542366087574,
  "duration": 0,
  "exception": "com.easemob.group.exception.ForbiddenOpException",
  "error_description": "users [user8] are not members of this group!"

Return value 404, this group ID does not exist

  "error": "resource_not_found",
  "timestamp": 1542366050953,
  "duration": 0,
  "exception": "com.easemob.group.exception.ResourceNotFoundException",
  "error_description": "grpID 6601645549158 does not exist!"

Return value 401, unauthorized [no token, token error, token expired ]

  "error": "group_authorization",
  "timestamp": 1542366178894,
  "duration": 0,
  "exception": "com.easemob.group.exception.GroupAuthorizationException",
  "error_description": "this token is bad, or has expired!"

If the return result is 429, 503 or other 5xx , it may mean that the interface is flow-limited, please pause a little and retry. See interface flow restriction instructions for details

Test online using Platform API

Remove Group Members’

Removes group members, separated by English commas between usernames. It is recommended to remove up to 60 group members at a time. If all the removed users are not group members, the removal will fail and an error will be returned.

HTTP Request

DELETE /{org_name}/{app_name}/chatgroups/{group_id}/users/{memebers}

You need to fill in the {memebers} corresponding to the IM username to be removed during the request.

Request Headers

Parameter Description
Content-Type application/json
Authorization Bearer ${token}

Response Body

View the information contained in the data field in the return value.

result Description
Content-Type The result of the operation; true: removal succeeded, false: removal failed
action The action performed; remove_member: Remove the group member
reason The reason for the failure of the operation
user The user name of the removed member
groupid The group ID of the operation

Request example

curl -X DELETE -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Authorization: Bearer YWMtduapFumREei8DkfcegKdAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGL4CTw6XgR6LaXXVmNX4QCAgMAAAFnHD8qUwBPGgC0sPDXWLwWYh8ObqXytVlhbUhCTnbiIPi0oNGS8j2pDg' 'http://a1.easecdn.com/chat-demo/testapp/chatgroups/66016455491585/users/ttestuser0015981,user2,user3'

Examples of possible returned results

Returns a value of 200, indicating successful group member removal

    "action": "delete",
    "application": "9b848cf0-fafe-11e4-b5b8-0f74e8e740f7",
    "uri": "https://a1.easecdn.com/chat-demo/testapp",
    "entities": [],
    "data": [{
        "result": false,
        "action": "remove_member",
        "reason": "user ttestuser0015981 doesn't exist.",
        "user": "user1",
        "groupid": "1433492852257879"
        "result": true,
        "action": "remove_member",
        "user": "user2",
        "groupid": "1433492852257879"
        "result": true,
        "action": "remove_member",
        "user": "user3",
        "groupid": "1433492852257879"
    "timestamp": 1433492935318,
    "duration": 84,
    "organization": "chat-demo",
    "applicationName": "testapp"

Return value 403, the member is not in this group

  "error": "forbidden_op",
  "timestamp": 1542367708303,
  "duration": 0,
  "exception": "com.easemob.group.exception.ForbiddenOpException",
  "error_description": "users [{memebers}] are not members of this group!"

Return value 404, this group ID does not exist

  "error": "resource_not_found",
  "timestamp": 1542367736446,
  "duration": 0,
  "exception": "com.easemob.group.exception.ResourceNotFoundException",
  "error_description": "grpID 6601645549158 does not exist!"

Return value 401, unauthorized [no token, token error, token expired]

  "error": "group_authorization",
  "timestamp": 1542367755294,
  "duration": 0,
  "exception": "com.easemob.group.exception.GroupAuthorizationException",
  "error_description": "this token is bad, or has expired!"

If the return result is 429, 503 or other 5xx , it may mean that the interface is flow-limited, please pause a little and retry. See interface flow restriction instructions for details

Test online using Platform API

Get the list of group administrators

Interface to get the list of group administrators.

HTTP Request

GET /{org_name}/{app_name}/chatgroups/{group_id}/admin

You need to fill in {group_id}, the group ID you need to get, when requesting.

Request Headers

Parameter Description
Content-Type application/json
Authorization Bearer ${token}

Response Body

Parameter Description
data Group administrator information

Request Example

curl -X GET 'HTTP://a1.easecdn.com/chat-demo/testapp/chatgroups/10130212061185/admin' -H 'Authorization: Bearer YWMtG4T5wkOTEeST5V-9lp7f-wAAAUnafsqrQFnCU4gI0-rQImw4523fWqIasd1'

Examples of possible returned results

Returns a value of 200, indicating success in getting a list of group administrators

    "action": "get",
    "application": "527cd7e0-04b3-11e7-9f59-ef10ecd81ff0",
    "uri": "http://a1.easecdn.com/chat-demo/testapp/chatgroups/10130212061185/admin",
    "entities": [],
    "data": ["user1"],
    "timestamp": 1489073361210,
    "duration": 0,
    "organization": "chat-demo",
    "applicationName": "testapp",
    "count": 1

If the return result is 429, 503 or other 5xx , it may mean that the interface is flow-limited, please pause a little and retry. See interface flow restriction instructions for details

Test online using Platform API

Add Group Administrator

Elevates a group member role to the group administrator interface.

HTTP Request

POST /{org_name}/{app_name}/chatgroups/{group_id}/admin

You need to fill in the request with {group_id}, the group ID you need to get.

Request Headers

Parameter Description
Content-Type application/json
Authorization Bearer ${token}

Request Body

Parameter Description
newadmin New administrator user ID added

Response Body

Parameter Description
data New administrator user ID added

Request Example

curl -X POST 'HTTP://a1.easecdn.com/chat-demo/testapp/chatgroups/10130212061185/admin' -d '{"newadmin":"user1"}' -H 'Authorization: Bearer YWMtG4T5wkOTEeST5V-9lp7f-wAAAUnafsqrQFnCU4gI0-rQImw4523fWqIasd1'

Examples of possible returned results

Return value 200, means get group administrator list successfully

    "action": "get",
    "application": "527cd7e0-04b3-11e7-9f59-ef10ecd81ff0",
    "uri": "http://a1.easecdn.com/chat-demo/testapp/chatgroups/10130212061185/admin",
    "entities": [],
    "data": ["user1"],
    "timestamp": 1489073361210,
    "duration": 0,
    "organization": "chat-demo",
    "applicationName": "testapp",
    "count": 1

If the return result is 429, 503 or other 5xx , it may mean that the interface is flow-limited, please pause a little and retry. See interface flow restriction instructions for details

Test online using Platform API

Remove Group Administrator

Downgrades the user’s role from group administrator to group normal member interface.

HTTP Request

DELETE /{org_name}/{app_name}/chatgroups/{group_id}/admin/{oldadmin}

You need to fill in {group_id} and {oldadmin}, the group of the administrator to be removed and the username of the administrator in the request.

Request Headers

Parameter Description
Content-Type application/json
Authorization Bearer ${token}

Request Example

curl -X DELETE 'HTTP://a1.easecdn.com/chat-demo/testapp/chatgroups/10130212061185/admin/user1' -H 'Authorization: Bearer YWMtG4T5wkOTEeST5V-9lp7f-wAAAUnafsqrQFnCU4gI0-rQImw4523fWqIasd1'

Examples of possible returned results

Returns 200, indicating that the removal of the group administrator was successful

    "action": "delete",
    "application": "527cd7e0-04b3-11e7-9f59-ef10ecd81ff0",
    "uri": "http://a1.easecdn.com/chat-demo/testapp/chatgroups/10130212061185/admin/user1",
    "entities": [],
    "data": {
        "result": "success",
        "oldadmin": "user1"
    "timestamp": 1489073432732,
    "duration": 1,
    "organization": "chat-demo",
    "applicationName": "testapp"

If the return result is 429, 503 or other 5xx , it may mean that the interface is flow-limited, please pause a little and retry. See interface flow restriction instructions for details

Test online using Platform API

Transferring Groups

Modify the group Owner to another member of the same group.

HTTP Request

PUT /{org_name}/{app_name}/chatgroups/{groupid}

You need to fill in the request with {groupid}, the group ID of the group that needs to be transferred.

Request Headers

Parameter Description
Content-Type application/json
Authorization Bearer ${token}

Request Body

Parameter Description
newowner New administrator ID for the group

Response Body

View the information contained in the data field in the return value.

Parameter Description
newowner New administrator ID for the group

Request Example

curl -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Authorization: Bearer YWMt7CoyjusbEeixOi3iod4eDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGL4CTw6XgR6LaXXVmNX4QCAgMAAAFnJlhJIwBPGgCqtjiyVnR209iyr8kNbhJhhanNQDdP9CMmpK2G-NIUOQ' -d '{  
   "newowner": "user2"  
 }' 'http://a1.easecdn.com/chat-demo/testapp/chatgroups/66016455491585'

Examples of possible returned results

Returns 200, indicating a successful group transfer

  "action": "put",
  "application": "8be024f0-e978-11e8-b697-5d598d5f8402",
  "uri": "http://a1.easecdn.com/chat-demo/testapp/chatgroups/66016455491585",
  "entities": [],
  "data": {
    "newowner": true
  "timestamp": 1542537813420,
  "duration": 0,
  "organization": "chat-demo",
  "applicationName": "testapp"

Return value 403, the member is not in this group

  "error": "forbidden_op",
  "timestamp": 1542538459201,
  "duration": 0,
  "exception": "com.easemob.group.exception.ForbiddenOpException",
  "error_description": "user: user6 doesn't exist in group: 66016455491585"

Return value 404, this group ID does not exist

  "error": "resource_not_found",
  "timestamp": 1542367736446,
  "duration": 0,
  "exception": "com.easemob.group.exception.ResourceNotFoundException",
  "error_description": "grpID 6601645549158 does not exist!"

Return value 401, unauthorized [no token, token error, token expired]

  "error": "group_authorization",
  "timestamp": 1542538513851,
  "duration": 0,
  "exception": "com.easemob.group.exception.GroupAuthorizationException",
  "error_description": "this token is bad, or has expired!"

If the return result is 429, 503 or other 5xx , it may mean that the interface is flow-limited, please pause a little and retry. See interface flow restriction instructions for details

Test online using Platform API

Manage Blacklist

Chat provides multiple interfaces to complete group blacklist management, including viewing, adding users to and removing them from the blacklist.

Query group blacklist /{org_name}/{app_name}/chatgroups/{group_id}/blocks/users View the blacklist list of a group
Add a single user to a group's blacklist /{org_name}/{app_name}/chatgroups/{group_id}/blocks/users/{username} Add a user to a group's blacklist
Add users' to group blacklist /{org_name}/{app_name}/chatgroups/{group_id}/blocks/users Add users' to group blacklist
Remove individual users from group blacklist /{org_name}/{app_name}/chatgroups/{group_id}/blocks/users/{username} Remove users from the blacklist list
Remove users' from group blacklists /{org_name}/{app_name}/chatgroups/{group_id}/blocks/users/{usernames} Remove users' from blacklists

Query Group Blacklist

Queries the list of users in the blacklist of a group. Users located in the blacklist cannot view information about the group and cannot receive messages from the group.

HTTP Request

GET /{org_name}/{app_name}/chatgroups/{group_id}/blocks/users

You need to fill in {group_id}, the group ID to be queried, when requesting.

Request Headers

Parameter Description
Content-Type application/json
Authorization Bearer ${token}

Response Body

View the information contained in the data field in the return value.

Parameter Description
data Group blacklist user ID

Request Example

curl -X GET -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Authorization: Bearer YWMt7CoyjusbEeixOi3iod4eDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGL4CTw6XgR6LaXXVmNX4QCAgMAAAFnJlhJIwBPGgCqtjiyVnR209iyr8kNbhJhhanNQDdP9CMmpK2G-NIUOQ' 'http://a1.easecdn.com/chat-demo/testapp/chatgroups/66016455491585/blocks/users'

Examples of possible returned results

Return value 200, means the group blacklist query is successful

  "action": "get",
  "application": "8be024f0-e978-11e8-b697-5d598d5f8402",
  "uri": "http://a1.easecdn.com/chat-demo/testapp/chatgroups/67178793598977/blocks/users",
  "entities": [],
  "data": [
  "timestamp": 1543466293681,
  "duration": 0,
  "organization": "chat-demo",
  "applicationName": "testapp",
  "count": 2

Return value 404, the group ID does not exist

  "error": "resource_not_found",
  "timestamp": 1542539206941,
  "duration": 0,
  "exception": "com.easemob.group.exception.ResourceNotFoundException",
  "error_description": "grpID 6601645549158 does not exist!"

Return value 401, unauthorized [no token, token error, token expired]

  "error": "group_authorization",
  "timestamp": 1542539245149,
  "duration": 0,
  "exception": "com.easemob.group.exception.GroupAuthorizationException",
  "error_description": "this token is bad, or has expired!"

If the return result is 429, 503 or other 5xx , it may mean that the interface is flow-limited, please pause a little and retry. See interface flow restriction instructions for details

Test online using Platform API

Add a single user to a group blacklist

Add a user to the blacklist of a group. The group owner cannot be blacklisted from the group.

After a user is blacklisted from a group, they will receive the message: You are kicked out of the group xxx. After that, the user cannot view information about the group and cannot receive messages from the group.

HTTP Request

POST /{org_name}/{app_name}/chatgroups/{group_id}/blocks/users/{username}

You need to fill in the request with {group_id}, the group ID of the group to be blacklisted and {username}, the IM username to be added.

Request Headers

Parameter Description
Content-Type application/json
Authorization Bearer ${token}

Response Body

View the information contained in the data field in the return value.

Parameter Description
result The result of the add, true means the add was successful, false means the add failed
groupid Group ID
action Execute the action
user The ID of the user being added

Request Example

curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Authorization: Bearer YWMt7CoyjusbEeixOi3iod4eDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGL4CTw6XgR6LaXXVmNX4QCAgMAAAFnJlhJIwBPGgCqtjiyVnR209iyr8kNbhJhhanNQDdP9CMmpK2G-NIUOQ' 'http://a1.easecdn.com/chat-demo/testapp/chatgroups/66016455491585/blocks/users/user1'

Examples of possible returned results

Return value 200, add user to group blacklist successfully

  "action": "post",
  "application": "8be024f0-e978-11e8-b697-5d598d5f8402",
  "uri": "http://a1.easecdn.com/chat-demo/testapp/chatgroups/66016455491585/blocks/users/user1",
  "entities": [],
  "data": {
    "result": true,
    "action": "add_blocks",
    "user": "user1",
    "groupid": "66016455491585"
  "timestamp": 1542539577124,
  "duration": 27,
  "organization": "chat-demo",
  "applicationName": "testapp"

Return value 404, the group ID does not exist

  "error": "resource_not_found",
  "timestamp": 1542539654833,
  "duration": 0,
  "exception": "com.easemob.group.exception.ResourceNotFoundException",
  "error_description": "grpID 6601645549158 does not exist!"

Return value 403, the user does not exist

  "error": "forbidden_op",
  "timestamp": 1542539679705,
  "duration": 0,
  "exception": "com.easemob.group.exception.ForbiddenOpException",
  "error_description": "users [user10] are not members of this group!"

Return value 401, unauthorized [no token, token error, token expired]

  "error": "group_authorization",
  "timestamp": 1542539732510,
  "duration": 0,
  "exception": "com.easemob.group.exception.GroupAuthorizationException",
  "error_description": "this token is bad, or has expired!"

If the return result is 429, 503 or other 5xx , it may mean that the interface is flow-limited, please pause a little and retry. See interface flow restriction instructions for details

Test online using Platform API

Add users’ to group blacklist

Add multiple users to a group’s blacklist, up to 60 users can be added at once. Group owners cannot be added to the group’s blacklist.

After a user is blacklisted in a group, he/she will receive the message: You are kicked out of the group xxx. After that, the user will not be able to view the group’s information or receive messages from the group.

HTTP Request

POST /{org_name}/{app_name}/chatgroups/{group_id}/blocks/users

You need to fill in the request with {group_id}, the group ID of the group to be blacklisted and {username}, the IM username to be added.

Request Headers

Parameter Description
Content-Type application/json
Authorization Bearer ${token}

Request Body

Parameter Description
usernames Added username ID

Response Body

View the information contained in the data field in the return value.

Parameter Description
result Add result, true means add success, false means add failure
reason The reason for adding failure
groupid Group ID
action The action to perform
user The ID of the user being added

Request Example

curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Authorization: Bearer YWMt7CoyjusbEeixOi3iod4eDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGL4CTw6XgR6LaXXVmNX4QCAgMAAAFnJlhJIwBPGgCqtjiyVnR209iyr8kNbhJhhanNQDdP9CMmpK2G-NIUOQ' -d '{  
   "usernames": [  
 }' 'http://a1.easecdn.com/chat-demo/testapp/chatgroups/66016455491585/blocks/users'

Examples of possible returned results

Return value 200, add user to group blacklist successfully

  "action": "post",
  "application": "8be024f0-e978-11e8-b697-5d598d5f8402",
  "uri": "http://a1.easecdn.com/chat-demo/testapp/chatgroups/66016455491585/blocks/users",
  "entities": [],
  "data": [
      "result": false,
      "action": "add_blocks",
      "reason": "user: user3 doesn't exist in group: 66016455491585",
      "user": "user3",
      "groupid": "66016455491585"
      "result": true,
      "action": "add_blocks",
      "user": "user4",
      "groupid": "66016455491585"
  "timestamp": 1542540095540,
  "duration": 16,
  "organization": "chat-demo",
  "applicationName": "testapp"

Return value 404, the group ID does not exist

  "error": "resource_not_found",
  "timestamp": 1542540155192,
  "duration": 1,
  "exception": "com.easemob.group.exception.ResourceNotFoundException",
  "error_description": "grpID 6601645549158 does not exist!"

Return value 403, the user does not exist or cannot add the group owner to the blacklist

  "error": "forbidden_op",
  "timestamp": 1542540210145,
  "duration": 0,
  "exception": "com.easemob.group.exception.ForbiddenOpException",
  "error_description": "forbidden operation on group owner!"

Return value 401, unauthorized [no token, token error, token expired ]

  "error": "group_authorization",
  "timestamp": 1542540260660,
  "duration": 0,
  "exception": "com.easemob.group.exception.GroupAuthorizationException",
  "error_description": "this token is bad, or has expired!"

If the return result is 429, 503 or other 5xx , it may mean that the interface is flow-limited, please pause a little and retry. See interface flow restriction instructions for details

Test online using Platform API)

Remove a single user from a group blacklist

Removes a user from the group blacklist. For users in the group blacklist, if you need to add them to the group again, you need to remove them from the group blacklist first.

HTTP Request

DELETE /{org_name}/{app_name}/chatgroups/{group_id}/blocks/users/{username}

You need to fill in the request with {group_id}, the group ID of the group to be removed from the blacklist and {username}, the IM username to be removed.

Request Headers

Parameter Description
Content-Type application/json
Authorization Bearer ${token}

Request Example

curl -X DELETE -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Authorization: Bearer YWMt7CoyjusbEeixOi3iod4eDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGL4CTw6XgR6LaXXVmNX4QCAgMAAAFnJlhJIwBPGgCqtjiyVnR209iyr8kNbhJhhanNQDdP9CMmpK2G-NIUOQ' 'http://a1.easecdn.com/chat-demo/testapp/chatgroups/66016455491585/blocks/users/user1'

Examples of possible returned results

Return value 200, remove user blacklist successfully

  "action": "delete",
  "application": "8be024f0-e978-11e8-b697-5d598d5f8402",
  "uri": "http://a1.easecdn.com/chat-demo/testapp/chatgroups/66016455491585/blocks/users/user1",
  "entities": [],
  "data": {
    "result": true,
    "action": "remove_blocks",
    "user": "user1",
    "groupid": "66016455491585"
  "timestamp": 1542540470679,
  "duration": 45,
  "organization": "chat-demo",
  "applicationName": "testapp"

Return value 404, the group ID does not exist

  "error": "resource_not_found",
  "timestamp": 1542540559252,
  "duration": 0,
  "exception": "com.easemob.group.exception.ResourceNotFoundException",
  "error_description": "grpID 6601645549158 does not exist!"

Return value 404, the user does not exist

  "error": "resource_not_found",
  "timestamp": 1542540616864,
  "duration": 0,
  "exception": "com.easemob.group.exception.ResourceNotFoundException",
  "error_description": "username user10 doesn't exist!"

Return value 401, unauthorized [no token, token error, token expired]

  "error": "group_authorization",
  "timestamp": 1542540739864,
  "duration": 0,
  "exception": "com.easemob.group.exception.GroupAuthorizationException",
  "error_description": "this token is bad, or has expired!"

If the return result is 429, 503 or other 5xx , it may mean that the interface is flow-limited, please pause a little and retry. See interface flow restriction instructions for details

Test online using Platform API

Remove users’ from group blacklist

Remove multiple users from the group blacklist. For users in the group blacklist, if you need to add them to the group again, you need to remove them from the group blacklist first.

HTTP Request

DELETE /{org_name}/{app_name}/chatgroups/{group_id}/blocks/users/{usernames}

You need to fill in the request with {group_id}, the group ID of the group to be removed from the blacklist and {username}, the IM username to be removed.

Request Headers

Parameter Description
Content-Type application/json
Authorization Bearer ${token}

Request Example

curl -X DELETE -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Authorization: Bearer YWMt7CoyjusbEeixOi3iod4eDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGL4CTw6XgR6LaXXVmNX4QCAgMAAAFnJlhJIwBPGgCqtjiyVnR209iyr8kNbhJhhanNQDdP9CMmpK2G-NIUOQ' 'http://a1.easecdn.com/chat-demo/testapp/chatgroups/66016455491585/blocks/users/user1%2Cuser2'

Examples of possible returned results

Return value 200, remove user blacklist successfully

  "action": "delete",
  "application": "8be024f0-e978-11e8-b697-5d598d5f8402",
  "uri": "http://a1.easecdn.com/chat-demo/testapp/chatgroups/66016455491585/blocks/users/user1%2Cuser2",
  "entities": [],
  "data": [
      "result": true,
      "action": "remove_blocks",
      "user": "user1",
      "groupid": "66016455491585"
      "result": true,
      "action": "remove_blocks",
      "user": "user2",
      "groupid": "66016455491585"
  "timestamp": 1542541014655,
  "duration": 29,
  "organization": "chat-demo",
  "applicationName": "testapp"

Return value 404, the group ID does not exist

  "error": "resource_not_found",
  "timestamp": 1542541067286,
  "duration": 0,
  "exception": "com.easemob.group.exception.ResourceNotFoundException",
  "error_description": "grpID 6601645549158 does not exist!"

Return value 404, the user does not exist

  "error": "resource_not_found",
  "timestamp": 1542541102793,
  "duration": 0,
  "exception": "com.easemob.group.exception.ResourceNotFoundException",
  "error_description": "username user10 doesn't exist!"

Return value 401, unauthorized [no token, token error, token expired]

  "error": "group_authorization",
  "timestamp": 1542541134588,
  "duration": 0,
  "exception": "com.easemob.group.exception.GroupAuthorizationException",
  "error_description": "this token is bad, or has expired!"

If the return result is 429, 503 or other 5xx , it may mean that the interface is flow-limited, please pause a little and retry. See interface flow restriction instructions for details

Test online using Platform API

Manage mutes

Chat provides multiple interfaces to manage the group mute list, including viewing, adding users to, and removing them from the mute list.

Name Request Description
Add mute /{org_name}/{app_name}/chatgroups/{group_id}/mute Add user to group's mute list
Remove mute /{org_name}/{app_name}/chatgroups/{group_id}/mute/{member1}(,{member2},...) Remove a user from the group's mute list
Get the mute list /{org_name}/{app_name}/chatgroups/{group_id}/mute Get the group's mute list

Add a mute

mutes a user. When a user is muted, they will not be able to send messages in the group.

HTTP Request

POST /{org_name}/{app_name}/chatgroups/{group_id}/mute

You need to fill in the request with {group_id}, the group ID you need to add the mute to, and {username}, the IM username you want to add the mute to.

Request Headers

Parameter Description
Content-Type application/json
Authorization Bearer ${token}

Request Body

Parameter Description
mute_duration The duration of the mute, in milliseconds, if "-1" means permanent (the actual expiration time is the fixed timestamp 4638873600000, i.e. 2117-01-01 00:00:00)
usernames ID of the user to be added to the mute

Response Body

Parameter Description
result The result of the operation; true: add success; false: add failure
expire The timestamp for the expiration of the mute (milliseconds from January 1, 1970. If the mute timestamp is passed as "-1", then the timestamp is a fixed 4638873600000, see the description of the mute_duration parameter)
user ID of the muted user

Request Example

curl -X POST 'HTTP://a1.easecdn.com/chat-demo/testuser/chatgroups/10130212061185/mute' -d '{"usernames":["user1"], "mute_duration":86400000}' -H 'Authorization: Bearer YWMtG4T5wkOTEeST5V-9lp7f-wAAAUnafsqrQFnCU4gI0-rQImw4523fWqIasd1'

Examples of possible returned results

Return value 200, add mute successfully

    "action": "post",
    "application": "527cd7e0-04b3-11e7-9f59-ef10ecd81ff0",
    "uri": "http://a1.easecdn.com/chat-demo/testapp/chatgroups/10130212061185/mute",
    "entities": [],
    "data": [{
        "result": true,
        "expire": 1489158589481,
        "user": "user1"
    "timestamp": 1489072189508,
    "duration": 0,
    "organization": "chat-demo",
    "applicationName": "testapp"

If the return result is 429, 503 or other 5xx , it may mean that the interface is flow-limited, please pause a little and retry. See interface flow restriction instructions for details

Test online using Platform API

Remove mutes

Removes a user from the mute list. After removal, the user can send messages in the group normally.

HTTP Request

DELETE /{org_name}/{app_name}/chatgroups/{group_id}/mute/{member1}(,{member2},...)

Request Headers

Parameter Description
Content-Type application/json
Authorization Bearer ${token}

Request Example

curl -X DELETE 'HTTP://a1.easecdn.com/chat-demo/testapp/chatgroups/10130212061185/mute/user1'  -H 'Authorization: Bearer YWMtG4T5wkOTEeST5V-9lp7f-wAAAUnafsqrQFnCU4gI0-rQImw4523fWqIasd1'

Examples of possible returned results

The return value of 200 means that the mute was removed successfully.

    "action": "delete",
    "application": "527cd7e0-04b3-11e7-9f59-ef10ecd81ff0",
    "uri": "http://a1.easecdn.com/chat-demo/testapp/chatgroups/10130212061185/mute/user1",
    "entities": [],
    "data": [{
        "result": true,
        "user": "user1"
    "timestamp": 1489072695859,
    "duration": 0,
    "organization": "chat-demo",
    "applicationName": "testapp"

If the return result is 429, 503 or other 5xx , it may mean that the interface is flow-limited, please pause a little and retry. See interface flow restriction instructions for details

Test online using Platform API

Get the list of muted users

Gets the list of muted users for the current group.

HTTP Request

GET /{org_name}/{app_name}/chatgroups/{group_id}/mute

Request Headers

Parameter Description
Content-Type application/json
Authorization Bearer ${token}

Response Body

Parameter Description
expire Timestamp of the mute expiration (number of milliseconds from January 1, 1970. If the value of "-1" is passed for the mute time, then the timestamp is fixed at 4638873600000, see the description of the mute_duration parameter)
user ID of the muted user

Request Example

curl -X GET 'HTTP://a1.easecdn.com/chat-demo/testapp/chatgroups/10130212061185/mute' -H 'Authorization: Bearer YWMtG4T5wkOTEeST5V-9lp7f-wAAAUnafsqrQFnCU4gI0-rQImw4523fWqIasd1'

Examples of possible returned results

The return value of 200 indicates the success of getting the mute list

    "action": "post",
    "application": "527cd7e0-04b3-11e7-9f59-ef10ecd81ff0",
    "uri": "http://a1.easecdn.com/chat-demo/testapp/chatgroups/10130212061185/mute",
    "entities": [],
    "data": [{
        "expire": 1489158589481,
        "user": "user1"
    "timestamp": 1489072802179,
    "duration": 0,
    "organization": "chat-demo",
    "applicationName": "testapp"

If the return result is 429, 503 or other 5xx , it may mean that the interface is flow-limited, please pause a little and retry. See interface flow restriction instructions for details

Test online using Platform API