#import <IAgoraUserInfoManager.h>
IAgoraUserInfoManager.h UserInfo Operation class
- Author
- Hyphenate
- Version
- 3.00
- (void) fetchUserInfoById: |
(NSArray< NSString * > *) |
aUserIds |
completion: |
(void(^)(NSDictionary *aUserDatas, AgoraError *aError)) |
aCompletionBlock |
| |
Get userInfo by userId
- Parameters
aUserIds | UserId list |
aCompletionBlock | The completion of callback |
- (void) fetchUserInfoById: |
(NSArray< NSString * > *) |
aUserIds |
type: |
(NSArray< NSNumber * > *) |
aType |
completion: |
(void(^)(NSDictionary *aUserDatas, AgoraError *aError)) |
aCompletionBlock |
| |
Get user special info by id
- Parameters
aUserIds | UserId list |
aType | UserInfo type list |
aCompletionBlock | The completion of callback |
Set all own userInfo
- Parameters
aUserData | The userInfo data to set |
aCompletionBlock | The completion of callback |
- (void) updateOwnUserInfo: |
(NSString *) |
aValue |
withType: |
(AgoraUserInfoType) |
aType |
completion: |
(void(^)(AgoraUserInfo *aUserInfo, AgoraError *aError)) |
aCompletionBlock |
| |
Set special own userInfo
- Parameters
aValue | The userInfo data to set |
aType | The userInfo type to set |
aCompletionBlock | The completion of callback |
The documentation for this protocol was generated from the following file: