#import <AgoraError.h>
AgoraError.h SDK defined error
- Author
- Hyphenate
- Version
- 3.00
SDK defined error
+ (instancetype) errorWithDescription: |
(NSString *) |
aDescription |
code: |
(AgoraErrorCode) |
aCode |
| |
Create a error instance
- Parameters
aDescription | Error description |
aCode | Error code |
- Returns
- Error instance
- (instancetype) initWithDescription: |
(NSString *) |
aDescription |
code: |
(AgoraErrorCode) |
aCode |
| |
Initialize an error instance
- Parameters
aDescription | Error description |
aCode | Error code |
- Returns
- Error instance
- (NSString*) errorDescription |
readwritenonatomiccopy |
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